Example sentences of "as [det] [noun sg] [noun] [conj] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Since 1976 , however , land plants have started giving off as much carbon dioxide as they absorb .
2 Whether it would be able to survive in the new , more competitive , environment and obtain as much advertising revenue as it does now is far from clear .
3 If we assume that the number of professional programmers , these are people who are competent to use and develop software , is roughly proportional to the number of commercial computers in operation , this means that if the trend continues , in ten years time , there will be a need for roughly a hundred times as many computer programmers than we 've got as present .
4 The army may include as many Battle Wizards as you wish within the usual limitations of points costs .
5 ( As examples of the latter , try looking up the length of the river Mississippi in as many reference books as you can find , and compare the answers. ) 5 .
6 Stewart told us that Whaddon 's offer of a free bus pass and as many pizza slices as he could eat if he signed for the club was ‘ frankly , insulting ’ .
7 The corgi must have a regal air , be docile and reasonably well behaved.The fee for the show … as many dog biscuits as they can eat !
8 You can in fact have almost as many yarn masts as you like attached to the back of the machine .
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