Example sentences of "as [det] [subord] i [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I wish I could love her as little as I like her .
2 I feared as much when I saw him this morning . "
3 He felt her slim shoulder move under the thick fabric of the tartan shirt , " as much as I know anything at the moment , that 's what I think I 'll be doing .
4 No doubt the Japanese can justify their prices , but as much as I like their sports cars , I would never consider buying any of their cars in the UK .
5 I shall nevertheless vote against the motion and I shall vote for the amendment although as much as I wished it had happened or , or erm a different proposal to Mr because I do n't think it helps your argument when you call your opponents instead of arguing face and er unlike Mr I actually do believe its in subsidiarity and I think we should accept Leicester and Leicester only and what the Leicester hunt will do should be decided here in Leicester , not in Westminster , er any more than the composition of our offices should be , should be decided in Brussels and I believe in subsidiarity .
6 But his questions were at once crucifying me as much as I knew they were of help .
7 There 's not as much as I thought there was then .
8 ‘ Not as much as I want you , sabiha tieghi , my beautiful one . ’
9 Of the fact that , however hard you try to adopt that indifferent expression , underneath you want me every bit as much as I want you . ’
10 As much as I want you ? ’
11 Do you want me even half as much as I want you ?
12 Before I 'm finished you 'll want me as much as I want you . ’
13 " I thought he loved me as much as I loved him . "
14 You could argue it was n't his fault that Clare was killed — or that she did n't love me as much as I loved her — and I 'd have to agree .
15 I think I love you as much as I love him . ’
16 As much as I love her I did n't realise what I was taking on , she 's absolutely obsessed with Paul McCartney . .
17 I hope that all this is of some help to the new knitters and will encourage them to learn to lover their Duomatics as much as I love mine .
18 remember ours , it would not be flat smells of cat but not only that if it weed on me carpet as much as I love it I might get a
19 ‘ I enjoyed your peroration as much as I deplore your jacket ! ’
20 I supposed , during those brief , heady moments after your heartbreaking apology that you had wanted to come to me tonight as much as I wanted you to come .
21 You wanted me every bit as much as I wanted you . ’
22 You should actually say , ‘ They need me as much as I need them . ’
23 I find it thoroughly fascinating , but I am sorry to say that as much as I enjoy your magazine there never seems to be much advice or any articles for that matter , for women like me .
24 Mr Essex says music is a two-way thing : ‘ My pupils inspire me as much as I inspire them . ’
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