Example sentences of "as [adv] [subord] i [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Not as keenly as I feel your jealousy , pretty one , ’ she said .
2 God , do you think I 'd come near you , talk to you about it , touch you , if I did n't know for a certainty that you want me as badly as I do you ? ’
3 I stayed in the cafe for as long as I felt I could and then went back outside .
4 When you have been teaching for as long as I have you 'll realise that it 's no good at all being kind to children .
5 When you 've brawled around for as long as I have your senses get to know the kind of fix that you ca n't just walk through or away from .
6 It was frightening and exhausting for him , and as early as I dared I telephoned the doctor , who came quickly and prescribed Largactil .
7 You may think I am exaggerating but I am telling you the truth as clearly as I remember it and I remember it very clearly .
8 As far as I know 'e was 'avin' it orf wiv one o' the young gels where 'e worked .
9 As far as I know they are the original studs , measuring 23mm across .
10 I would like to record that they tried to cheer each other up in their double misery , but I 'm afraid the truth is that as far as I know they never spoke to each other again .
11 As far as I know they are not engaged . ’
12 After the end of the hearing yesterday , Det Insp Young , 33 , said : ‘ As far as I know they did not base the character on me .
13 It 's in their hands at the moment er as far as I know they are going to let us know that in the very near future , certainly long before the ballot papers are actually distributed to members .
14 The other thing I was interested in was the increase of ele of occupational therapists and I just wondered what the realistic expectation was of being able to recruit them because as far as I know they are a scarce resource er and not easy to find .
15 Interestingly enough , that 's the only book as far as I know which veers from history .
16 As far as I know them .
17 I prescribed Nit Ac LM2 and as far as I know she remains well .
18 As far as I know she is .
19 As far as I know she was living on her own with this little old boy .
20 As far as I know he never took her up on any of these , and that may have been the reason why I was her least favourite Waaf on the station .
21 And as far as I know he always .
22 But er he never asked me , put it that way , what I thought was suitable machinery and he , as far as I know he never asked other rock men what they thought was suitable for the rock and other slate makers what they thought was suitable for inside the mill , or the diamond saw operators , what sort of saws they thought were the best .
23 As far as I know he did n't have enemies or friends either , but I did n't know him very well . ’
24 Maureen , of Mendip Grove , Darlington , said : ’ As far as I know he does n't have to do much on stage and I 'm keeping my fingers crossed he 'll behave himself . ’
25 As far as I know he has never received as much as a warning as an amateur or professional . ’
26 Part of the chapter on motivation deals with obesity , and the discussion of theories of why we stuff ourselves is capped by a cartoon in which a chef tells a fat blimp ‘ As far as I know there 's no such thing as a diet cream puff . ’
27 As far as I know there was never any shortage of money — our fathers sent sums regularly back from England — and I , being the youngest , was the centre of attention .
28 Er , now we are paying thirty four pound twenty two pence a month for the upkeep of this building , that , as far as I know there 's twelve tenants in this block has bought their house .
29 So as far as I know there are no plans .
30 As far as I know there 's been no crime committed , not by Hayley , at least . ’
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