Example sentences of "as [adv] [conj] [pers pn] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 Locke 's friends commended him for demolishing Proast 's ecclesiastical regime as effectively as he had the absolutist civil polity of Sir Robert Filmer [ q.v . ] .
2 Baldwin was to undermine the radical right as effectively as he disarmed the left in the inter-war period .
3 The initial deleterious effects of cost accounting struck the press as badly as they upset the railways , education , local Soviet administration , and trade .
4 The compensation deal will cost the government an estimated A$100m and involves Canberra waiving airport landing charges for as long as it takes the airlines to recoup their losses from keeping about 21,000 non-pilot employees on their staff during the dispute .
5 ‘ I 'm in good shape and I will sing for as long as I have the strength to do so , ’ he added .
6 The premium is then fixed for as long as you continue the Plan , even when you cross into other age bands , and no matter how times you claim against it .
7 There was no point in her dropping out and wrecking the film and , in any case , for as long as she worked the film company would pick up Maisie 's crippling Canadian hospital bills .
8 You should aim to be using video in the classroom as easily as you use the audiocassette recorder or the Overhead Projector .
9 And Beuno said nothing , but he looked at him as mildly as he looks at the trout that he catches in the stream , and the doctor said , ‘ Until tomorrow ’ , and he left , and Beuno watched him go as mildly as he watches the sheep when he frees them from where they are caught in the hedge .
10 He recorded the arrangements made with workmen he employed as carefully as he chronicled the minutiae of his social life .
11 Since he looked after her as carefully as he did the rest , the princess too was happy to share their life in the forest .
12 women , of course — who amassed personal power as assiduously as they propagated the myth of a stable , pluralistic Lebanon .
13 And off she went , driving carefully , through South London , and east , and under the river , and north , and up the A113 , towards the Garfield Centre , thinking of Brian frying up the cold boiled potatoes for himself and their son Sam , chopping parsley , frying eggs and bacon , delicious ; Brian handled the frying pan as confidently as he handled the car , eggs never broke for Brian , he had a firm grasp of the material world , of pan handles and gear levers and of her own warm body , of garden spades and wayward boilers , of carving knives and power drills and saws and scissors and invisible screws ; he treated all these things as his friends and allies , an Ideal Husband , she sometimes teased him : and yet , and yet , he spent his days and his nights teaching abstractions , he spent his time with words , words , words .
14 And he had six people to work with who would n't waste time on stupid questions about the baby 's emotional welfare , who saw as clearly as he did the greater fascination in the sheaves of data they had already collected on the child since his birth .
15 As far as we know the microcomputer-based emergency response system devised by Belardo et al. ( 1983 ) , is the only GIS-like software to incorporate this algorithm .
16 Well the as far as we know the er certainly the trade union
17 I mean I 'm no historian , you 'd have to check up on this with my hubby , but as far as I know the Reformation started up North in Europe a guid lang mile away from Rome and the Pope and that , up in the Region of what we now know as Holland , and Germany and Alsace Lorraine .
18 As far as I know the book was displayed very well in the shops , it was n't under the counter or anything like that , and exactly nothing happened .
19 So how did the work out because as far as I know the the riveter got the cash and then he divvied up the money between
20 I reject natural ability arguments as vehemently as I reject the notion of ‘ born sportsmen ’ .
21 He felt just as strongly as he had the night before .
22 Plutocracy inevitably governs the arts , it was suggested , as surely as it governs the terms of the trade .
23 Protectionist policies , designed to deal with unemployment , temporarily ended the rule of the Conservative Party at the end of 1923 just as surely as it helped the Conservative Party to political dominance in the 1930s .
24 But this position is not obligatory ; which is just as well since I take the arguments of chapters 4 and 5 to have refuted it .
25 We now know the Moon 's surface as well as we know the Earth 's .
26 The RCM understood this as well as they understood the realities of keeping up the supply of foster parents .
27 The time is fast approaching when a more accurate division of mankind will be between those who are patients , knowing despair as well as they know the lines grooved into their own hands , and those who are psychiatrists , so helplessly and irrecoverably sick that they believe that , serenity can be achieved by swallowing a few polychromatic biochemicals !
28 If he runs the country as well as he ran the campaign we 'll be alright . ’
29 Fergus , who had stormed castles and laid siege to fortresses and who knew the arts of infiltration as well as he knew the Twelve Books of Honour , found himself summoning every shred and every tag-end of legend and myth and lore ever whispered or recounted or imagined about the Prison .
30 Robert , especially , knows this , for he knows the style of my speech as well as he knows the rhythm of my walk or the vocabulary of my gestures .
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