Example sentences of "as [adv] [conj] [pron] [modal v] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 El-Jorr felt the loss as keenly as he would have mourned his cowboy boots or his 4 × 4 Chevy with the Texas plates — the card was a basic prop of his all-American image .
2 She made herself breathe through her mouth as slowly as she could to hush her own sounds , and inhaled the odours of the earth with her own warm respiration .
3 The Ministry did tell us not to waste effort growing flowers , but somehow one always felt they were not quite as right as they might have been on that one .
4 If the rail was surface-mounted , simply lever it off as gently as you can using packing between lever and wall to protect the plaster .
5 There has been no love lost between Scots and English at big sporting occasions for as long as one can remember , but it seems that England 's rugby aficionados find it hard to forgive Scotland for that Grand Slam defeat in 1990 .
6 Wooden dowel has been used for kite spars for as long as we can recall .
7 She is certainly not one of those who have been living on mung beans for as long as they can remember .
8 You can not pretend to people who , like you , have been pretending for as long as they can remember : they do not let you get away with it .
9 Cynics are betting that the romance is a huge publicity stunt to help sell the firm : ‘ The relationship will last as long as they can use each other , ’ says one .
10 Open-air dancing under the floodlights , often in long mackintoshes and trilby hats , a fountain that fell from bucket to bucket like the omnipresent rain , a bewhiskered Emett railway , a tree-walk alongside a forty-foot Chinese dragon — people queued patiently to enjoy such simple pleasures whose lack of sophistication seemed very exciting to people , most of whom had never had a foreign holiday or seen café tables with coloured umbrellas or indeed any fresh paint for as long as they could remember .
11 Afterwards Brewer said he could see Auckland holding the shield for as long as they could keep together their very strong scrum of Olo Brown , Sean Fitzpatrick , Steve McDowell , Michael Jones , Gary Whetton , Robin Brooke , Mark Carter and Zinzan Brooke — All Blacks all .
12 Like Doreen had always been putting the food on the table , like the old dog Oswald had been there for as long as they could recall .
13 The Bruce claimant to the throne had just died , but his son and grandson were determined to assert family rights , even if it meant offering their services to Edward I for as long as it might take to drive the Comyns from the seized lands in Annandale .
14 ‘ I 've waited sixteen years to hear from my father and they can wait for as long as I can drag this thing out .
15 He put his hand over the flame of the lamp and said to Stricker : ‘ Let me see her for as long as I can keep my hand in the flame . ’
16 I had been preparing myself for as long as I can remember , preparing myself ( though I did not always realize it ) from the day that I was born , preparing myself , wrote Harsnet ( typed Goldberg ) , but always aware of the dangers of beginning too soon .
17 In the years we have been going to the Arctic ( at least one summer and one winter trip now for as long as I can remember ) , we have acquired odd niggles .
18 For as long as I can remember , it has been standard medical teaching that teething of babies causes no symptoms .
19 Its American equivalent , the New Yorker , has been read for its advertisements in this country for as long as I can remember .
20 The black tarred roof had been ‘ like that for as long as I can remember . ’
21 I have certainly been screaming with loneliness for as long as I can remember .
22 As for Uncle , he had suffered from rheumatism for as long as I can remember , so , all-in-all , we always had more work than we could really cope with .
23 Baffled Lilly , from Anfield , Liverpool , added : ‘ I 've been like this for as long as I can remember .
24 They 've been yo-yoing between the First and Second Divisions for as long as I can remember — at the time of writing , they 're well on their way to the Premier League .
25 For as long as I can remember , I have been fascinated by the U.S.A. From childhood dreams of big cars , space rockets , Pacific coast and cowboys , America seemed to have it all .
26 I 've wanted him for as long as I can remember . "
27 ‘ I never went to any formal acting school — in fact , I 've probably just been very , very lucky getting all the parts I have — though for as long as I can remember all I ever wanted to be was an actress , and to be in the Theatre . ’
28 Scully and Sons have had the job for as long as I can remember , not because they are any good but because they are ruddy cheap .
29 I 've been impotent for as long as I can remember .
30 Well , as you know , she did n't have a sweet tooth , not her , but I — They were sent to her twice a year for as long as I can remember .
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