Example sentences of "as [adj] as it is [adv] " in BNC.

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1 In large measure , the background to the Bill reflects the unease with the SGA 1979 with its echoes of 19th century sales practice where the distinction between retail and wholesale sales was not as acute as it is today .
2 Under the old Soviet system executive power was as strong as it is ever likely to be .
3 Because the negative evaluation was not as strong as it is now , Voltaire was able to talk about justifiable prejudices , such as those that a child might have in favour of a teacher .
4 If it does n't low income workers will be stuck in low option plans , high income workers will opt out to fee for service schemes , and ‘ quality ’ health care will be as elusive as it is now .
5 Unemployment is rising in every European country except Spain , where it is nearly twice as high as it is here , and in every European Free Trade Association country , and in every G7 country it is higher than it was a year ago .
6 There were very few major countries I did n't visit during that time and travel was nothing like as easy as it is now .
7 Cortot 's Barcarolle ( his only recording of one of Chopin 's greatest masterpieces ) was once described by a French critic as ‘ un rituel erotic-passionel ’ and it is indeed as insinuating as it is blisteringly intense , even though the hectic rush through the final pages shows him at his least eloquent .
8 When it 's as warm as it is tonight , you 'll be able to leave the hatch open and imagine yourselves in the heart of Venice . "
9 Where the home environment seems to be unsupportive in as much as it is highly arousing , strategies to increase the social distance in key relationships , or to modify their ways of interacting , would be helpful .
10 It does nothing whatsoever for the music and provides a distraction as unwelcome as it is contextually inappropriate .
11 There have been occasions over the past 30 years when the attendance in this House for my speeches has not been quite as large as it is today .
12 In a field landing it often happens that on the final approach or even during the hold off you realise that the first part of the field is not as smooth as it is further along .
13 Moreover , so successful were the numerous methods for delaying marriage ( the mean age of which , by the early twentieth century was higher than at any other time in British history , 27 for men and 25 for women ) , that for the typical Edwardian the gap between leaving school and the full independence of marriage was twice as long as it is today .
14 Is the bark naturally as black as it is now , or has the dirt from the air soiled it ?
15 I suspect , indeed , that the whole process of evolution , from remote resemblance to near perfect mimicry , has gone on , rather rapidly , many times over in different insect groups , during the whole long period that bird vision has been just about as good as it is today .
16 Well , it , it , it looked very similar , not quite as good as it is now but er , it was n't no where near as wide of course .
17 So the English village is neither as immemorial nor as unchanging as it is conventionally believed to be .
18 " There 's quite a good wooden quay , and I should imagine the army used to have heavy stores sent by water sometimes — certainly in the earlier days of the training establishment , before the motor lorry was as big as it is now .
19 He lived down Gypsy Lane with his two sisters , he was a single man you see and my father and mother lived here and my , they not only mended shoes but they made them and er course naturally , you know , well of course Needham was n't as big as it is now but they made them for the best people , if that , if that 's the right , not the right expression say , but er but you know what I mean er and er and he , you know , all his life you see he did that and then one day he had a shock because his er , what would you call him colleague , he , he died suddenly in the night .
20 They need somewhere warm and soft to sleep and the bed should be made twice as thick as it is normally .
21 I mean British Gas , fair enough it was quite efficient , but its not as efficient as it is now , same with Telecom , Electricity , Water and Sewage
22 Then of course , me Dad , when that closed down , it was like everything else , it 's as bad as it is today , for jobs .
23 it 's ok , it 's not as bad as it is now
24 Er the picket was not as militant as it is now , and there were the talks of scabs , and things like that .
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