Example sentences of "over a [adj] [noun pl] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 I took over a hundred members to the rally in Hyde Park , erm two thirds of my workforce , and it was magnificent to see all the trade unionists there , especially the G M B banners .
2 Eventually , in November 1944 , a plug of incandescent lava poked up through the middle of the elevated dome , and this gradually rose during the course of the next year until it was over a hundred metres above the top of the dome , and nearly 300 metres above normal ground level .
3 Apart from his early technical drawings , he painted over a hundred water-colours during a visit to Italy , Egypt , and Nubia in the winter of 1874–5 .
4 It was a clear hot day , and he watched the fountain in the middle of the lake shoot its single needle-like spout over a hundred feet in the air .
5 The new antisemitism bit less deeply in France , but even there Drumont 's best-seller La France juive had over a hundred printings in the 1880s , and antisemitic journals proliferated .
6 In McMurdo Sound , Antarctica , Tedrow and Ugolini ( 1966 ) and Tedrow ( 1977 ) estimated that shifts of 30–40°C occurred several times daily in the surface of rocks under summer sunshine , and Nichols and Ball ( 1964 ) found bare ahumic soils passing through the freeze-thaw cycle over a hundred times in the course of a summer .
7 Within a short period , after over a hundred years in the Shurmurs ' hands , the mill was conveyed to William Humphries Bennet and , in 1806 , passed into the hands of John Knowles .
8 The first large contingent of political exiles in the modern period were over a hundred participants in the abortive military rebellion against autocracy in 1825 — the Decembrists .
9 By comparison , one of the matching health authorities would claim to have de-hospitalized over a hundred patients in a short time through one specialist developmental officer alone .
10 A fast stage-coach could now cover over a hundred miles in a single day , good roads and weather permitting , though comfort was not necessarily to be looked for and there was an outside chance of ending up with a foul-mouthed and drunken coachman for the length of the journey .
11 In fact it soon found out , since by the end of July 1922 the ARA was having to feed 822,000 children and over a million adults in the Ukraine .
12 Many of her poems did well abroad ; ‘ Flanders ’ Fields ’ used in pamphlet form raised over a million dollars in the U.S.A. and this poem was also used at the ceremony for the Unknown Soldier in Arlington Cemetery near Washington D.C. It is inscribed on a scroll inside the chapel there .
13 He had lived quietly and unobtrusively for weeks behind Marble Arch , one of over a million foreigners in the British capital .
14 They had been at it for over two and a half hours before the searchlight finally picked out the slumped body in the yard of an abandoned farm at over a thousand metres on the slopes of Mount Guffone .
15 The view of Dmitri Obolensky , a leading authority on the Bogomils , is that they are the first European manifestation of a tradition which extends for over a thousand years from the teachings of Mani in third-century Mesopotamia to the Albigensian heresy , which appeared in southern France in the thirteenth century .
16 There was over a thousand lads on the camp
17 Mr Chairman , I , would like to slightly and trying not to be parochial , but having looked at the erm , figures , I , I just can not believe that those are honest figures , I mean there are eleven hundred and sixty nine people unemployed in Craven Arms or something like that , and they 've lost over a thousand jobs over the last few years , and erm , very few of those have been replaced .
18 Accu player/Sample cursors — provide over a dozen alternatives to the wristwatch which appears on screen when the Mac is ‘ working ’ .
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