Example sentences of "ask [pers pn] if [pron] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The first time he ever asked me if I knew where he could get ‘ coke ’ .
2 Pensively I roamed through a housing estate , stopped by a bearded man who asked me if I knew where Number Fifty was .
3 He just asked me if I knew where she was and then I watched him disappear out of the room .
4 ‘ It was Bernard , who had been watching me from his office and asked me if I had ever thought of a career in modelling . ’
5 Then he got talking about you , asked me if I 'd ever heard of you . ’
6 I stopped two stout middle-aged women carrying laden shopping-bags and asked them if they knew where I could find rooms to rent .
7 He also described a call he had made later to his friend Hartmut Mayer of the BKA asking him if he knew how the bomb had been put aboard Flight 103 .
8 ‘ I asked her if she knew how bloody much the train fare to Wolverhampton was . ’
9 I asked her if she did not feel deprived , having never experienced school life .
10 When she asked him if they had really been as beautiful as angels , he had told her abruptly to look at the portraits , just as now , sensing that she had been hounded out of the house , he had given her something to do , a task to occupy her hands and head .
11 He went for a job just after leaving school and the guy at the interview asked him if he 'd ever encountered prejudice and he said , ‘ Well , sometimes . ’
12 I wound down the window and asked him if he knew where the dolmen was .
13 ( Once a 14-year-old son of a friend asked him if he did n't ever get nervous building lighthouses with the sea pounding ferociously on the rocks below him .
14 I asked him if he did n't feel a trifle audacious in coming to Oxford , home of Oxford University Press .
15 Nenna struggled against an impulse to rush into the fish and chip shop at the corner , the only shop in the street , and ask them if they had ever seen somebody coming out of number 42b who looked lonely , or indeed if they had ever seen anyone coming out of it at all .
16 ‘ He would n't have asked me if he did n't think I could do it , ’ she had retorted .
17 Ask him if he knows where he is now , ’ said Myeloski .
18 Ask him if he intends always to be faithful , and you 've get a 99.9 per cent change of him saying yes .
19 In her viva her examiner asks her if she does not think that ‘ dipthongisation in fourteenth century Kentish may have been optional ’ , and her immediate reaction is that ‘ The question made no sense at all ’ .
20 One of the prison warders , he said , had asked him if he knew when the men were to be released .
21 ( The other night I had asked him if he did n't think they ought to have the vote in Switzerland , and he said it was irrelevant . )
22 So troubled was he for a girl who , after all , was of age , high-spirited and clever , that after she had gone , and Matey had answered reflectively when he had asked her if she knew where McAllister was going , ‘ I do n't know .
23 Go and ask her if you do n't believe me . ’
24 Those women are glad to work here — go and ask 'em if you do n't believe me . ’
25 The coppers asked 'im if 'e wanted ter press charges but 'e said no .
26 Earlier , she had taken Anne aside to ask her if she knew when Clive was coming .
27 I turn around to ask her if she knows how I can get home .
28 And I would n't ask you if we did n't have a real serious problem here .
29 ‘ I could hardly ask you if I did n't see you , could I ? ’
30 Plea please can I ask you if you bring in any other ideas of business you 'll be considered to be
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