Example sentences of "ask [noun] [subord] [pron] have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Joshua , in order to be friendly , asked Harvey if he had heard of Clemenceau 's remark about Lloyd George , made at the Paris Peace Conference after the Kaiser 's War ?
2 I asked Frankie when I had pushed through to him .
3 He put the back of his hand on each forehead and asked Nellie if they 'd complained about pains in the ear .
4 When they had exhausted politics , Julia asked David whether he had seen the recent report in The Times about the Allied commission which had been investigating Italians who had helped escaping prisoners of war .
5 On many occasions I asked Alf if he had taken the money to pay the debt but he never did !
6 Bob , normally a level-headed signalman , looked ill at ease and asked Ted if he had heard any strange noises in the box .
7 She carried their drinks into the living room and asked Ralph if he had managed to see his solicitor ; the appointment had been at 2 p.m .
8 I asked Kagan if he had come to me knowing that I was an intimate friend of the man concerned .
9 Well Laura and Gemma wanted to make these pasties and she 'd asked me at the weekend and I did n't have the time because I think Irene came down cos I asked Irene whether she 'd looked after , you know I 'm at college until three , and she said yeah I 'll pick them up and er I could n't get her out at then so I promised she could make them so , I said alright you and Gemma make them , anyway they did very well they made them in about fifteen minutes because we had to go and get Emily at four from school , I said hurry up , hurry up put the water in Emily quick stick them together shove them now and put them in the oven
10 I wanted to find out if there had been any mistakes , so I asked Ron if he had spotted any .
11 Nathan turned the conversation to the bear trap in the museum , asking Odd-Knut if he had seen it , and soon we were talking about the killing of film on seal killing had been shown , an indictment of the Norwegian sealers .
12 On asking Louis if he had seen my letter he withdrew his pipe from his mouth , his eyes narrowed , and he replied :
13 It was Zoya , a friend from work , asking Anna if she 'd managed to get soap .
14 Previously , the 1969 and 1977 NOP surveys had broached this problem , with a question asking people whether they had considered using some form of credit but had not actually done so — and exploring their reasons .
15 He searched everywhere for it , going right through the village , asking people if they 'd seen it .
16 She ran into other nearby shops looking for him and asking people if they 'd seen him .
17 As we drank our coffee I outlined Toby 's and my suspicions about Martinez and Jefferson , and I asked Sally whether she had got on well enough with Ed Grainger , who was Martinez' right-hand man in America , to ask him questions about the Harley contract .
18 Ask schools if they have planned any special lessons in citizenship .
19 Ask daddy if he 's got a ten pence .
20 The claim form asks Policyholders if they have suffered from a similar illness previously .
21 If you can see puzzled faces , ask people whether you 've expressed your message clearly enough .
22 But then I was meant to mention , ask Rachel if she 'd seen the photograph cos Mike did n't know about the two photographs that er Rachel and Louise have taken .
23 The letter asked Diana if she had co-operated with the author .
24 And , so I popped in and asked Douglas if he 'd got any going for next to nothing but he does n't have anything down his size .
25 I think we ought I think we ought to ask Alison if she 's come across anything
26 ( b ) Identity of estate agent It is essential to ask buyers whether they have negotiated transactions through an estate agent and if so , whom .
27 Doris and the barman had agreed to ask customers whether they had noticed MacQuillan and a man in or near the place .
28 This question went on to ask respondents whether they had seen the booklet , or any part of it .
29 Delaney turned aside , and was about to ask Forster if he 'd found the cargo manifest , when Nell , who had been looking over his shoulder , spoke .
30 Wilkie asked Frederica if she had seen the Mediterranean the Camargue — Orange ?
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