Example sentences of "show him the [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Past examination papers will also show him the probable lay-out of the paper that he will be expected to answer , and the amount of time likely to be allowed on each question .
2 She showed him the tiny pile on the bed , and he nodded again .
3 I showed him the relevant page of my guide-book .
4 One of them , small and dusty and obscure in its corner , took the sunlight as he drew it towards him , and showed him the vigorous sketch of a face he knew well , a face he had seen long ago in the triforium , when he had crouched against the wall in the last embrasure of the walk , listening to the approaching footsteps of his enemy .
5 From an early age , his mother and father showed him the illustrated books on the subject which they had brought back from London , and described at length the wonders of the ballets they had seen danced there by the Diaghilev company , ‘ when they were young and in love ’ , as John put it later .
6 Pat was showing him The True Path in stylish fashion .
7 These are taught to the initiate to show him the accepted response to the vagaries of order , disorder , ambiguity , and ambivalence which lies in the complexities of social behaviour .
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