Example sentences of "might [be] [art] [adv] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It might be a pretty upsetting business . ’
2 Come on Aria , the Mad Axe might be a reasonably cheap guitar but it looks and sounds upmarket and it deserves a more upmarket name .
3 If these are the lessons of prudence , then standing back from the official portrait of crime and criminals and looking at it critically might be a very beneficial move towards getting our heads straight .
4 ‘ I think that might be a very good thing , ’ she replied , ‘ This … this thing that has happened to us is unnatural and wrong .
5 ‘ It might be a very short-lived interest indeed .
6 I might believe er it might be a very easy option er for those in power to put in the increased
7 Well … it looked as if tomorrow might be a very hectic day indeed .
8 Where there might be a very small number
9 No doubt , she thought , a visitor might be a very unwelcome distraction in his entrenched life .
10 It might be a very important date . ’
11 It might be a very tight thing that looks almost like this .
12 For all you know he might be a very shady character . ’
13 This suggests this might be a more suitable approach for use in Quadrant 3 type activities .
14 Possibly early balloon counterpulsation to offset the expected deterioration in renal function might be a more worthwhile approach to management than later in an attempt to reverse such a deterioration in renal state .
15 It might be a more rational motive than murdering for a person ; less risk of subsequent disenchantment . ’
16 Improving the quality of professional training and decision making might be a more cost-effective solution to the problem of supply-led services .
17 But even if you went in as researcher who 's going to interview them , and a , and informal way which might be a more appropriate method , you 'd still have considerable difficulty in that there is , they 'll spin you a yarn and whatnot , you know what they wanted you think rather than what what they should .
18 In the long term , that might be a more effective way of encouraging investment than some of the short-term proposals that we have heard today .
19 Its stated aim is to ‘ advise ’ schools , but ‘ active encouragement ’ might be a more accurate description of its activities .
20 On the other hand , with the industrial might of the TGWU behind the farm worker , there might be a more realistic chance of narrowing the gap between industrial and agricultural wages .
21 If local government is solely about the local administration of national services , then the possibility of comparison will be severely limited and privatization might be a more advisable option .
22 Contemporary popular music , in fact , with its fine tuning of genre mutations and blurrings and its rapid responsiveness to demographics , might be a more productive place than popular cinema from which to start thinking about the processes of television genre .
23 This is not always an appealing counterfactual comparison , not least because merger might be a more attractive alternative for firms than both independent and co-operative R&D .
24 Some of us felt that , you know , the fifty percent , if that were the crucial figure , and doubling the food poisoning for instance , might have been , might be a more snappy headline .
25 I know you found your tent , but perhaps you thought this might be a more comfortable bivouac than my cottage ?
26 But there has to be something to trigger the interest in the first place and whatever that is and however mild a form that might be lust , lust might be a more extreme form of it , but there has to be something to interest you in the first place , before you can go on to love , to knowing more about the person and having this in love feeling develop into love .
27 Accordingly workers striking on an economic upswing often found employers more ready to negotiate than to prosecute , although if masters decided to combine to take on the union by resisting a wage demand or even enforcing a cut and bound themselves not to employ each other 's dismissed workmen , the law might be a more ready resort .
28 That might be an amazingly good idea .
29 Let us now consider ( 39 ) where the word plastered follows its noun ( again , an attributive interpretation is possible in principle — Clara might be an offensively wealthy tourist who travels round Italy trying to buy buildings and parts of buildings to take home as souvenirs ; but we shall assume that this meaning can safely be left out of account ) : ( 39 ) Clara wants the façade plastered It at once becomes apparent that this may specify either an event , with the façade on the receiving end of it , or a state which Clara wishes to see existing in the façade .
30 It might be an apparently intractable problem with the union , with negative attitudes all round , with inequitable payment systems , with incompetent management and interfering personnel departments .
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