Example sentences of "might [adv] have [verb] that the " in BNC.

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1 Appellate counsel 's point was that P was anxious to make it clear that the major part of the blame for the offences fell on others , and he might not have appreciated that the statement could be used against him ; it was thus unfair .
2 Kennedy might thus have decided that the question was not worth pursuing had it not been for British persistence and Foreign Office assessments which suggested that the Soviets themselves hoped that an agreement of some kind might result .
3 The loyalty to the Crown of English settlers was not matched by any comparable institutional framework ; a well-informed observer on the continent of Europe might reasonably have expected that the execution of Charles I would lead to the disintegration of his empire overseas and that the Republic would be unable to assert any authority at all over emigrants whose political links with England were already so relatively weak .
4 One might reasonably have expected that the " building " would have come first and then the things it housed .
5 The court might equally have said that the defendant also realised that what he was doing was obstruction , since the police had told him so .
6 A Baker might even have smelt that the FBI 's plan for Waco was madcap .
7 The interpretation is liberal : one might well have said that the trust failed , and that was that .
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