Example sentences of "seem to [be] [adj] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 It was amazing how his underwear and the case seemed to be involved in a kind of dance , in which the arrival home of his shirts might depend on who was found guilty of what .
2 He seemed to be awake for a long time , I think , you know like you wake up and you do n't know what to do with yourself , I think it was like that , so every quarter of an hour or so he kept me , shouting for a drink he did n't know quite what to do with himself
3 As I left the room I seemed to be in a school and I saw many children in the hall and I seemed to be late for a class .
4 She said : ‘ Ruby seemed to be deep in a trance when Sniffy rang me .
5 Their painted eyes seemed to be full of a malignant resentment , as if they 'd once been living horses that had been turned to wood by an enchantment .
6 The world seemed to be full of an enraged bellowing , then the door slammed , cutting off the noise .
7 Patterns of erosion , sedimentation and igneous activity recorded over the area during this period seem to be consistent with a migrating region of uplift related to the track of this hot spot .
8 One of the great things about mountain walking in Austria is that no matter where you go , you never seem to be far from a mountain hut serving food and drinks to refresh you .
9 Ani said : ‘ People always seem to be impressed by a girl doing this kind of work .
10 Jack Heery , assistant secretary of Wirral Deewatch , said : ‘ The authorities seem to be happy with a ‘ this year , next year , sometime , never ’ kind of approach .
11 Values of much less than 30° seem to be inconsistent with an explanation of the Tunguska object as a stony asteroid .
12 Some patients suffering dementia as a consequence of Parkinson 's disease or Down 's syndrome show nerve damage virtually identical to that in Alzheimer 's patients : in contrast , dementia due to Huntington 's disease seems to be due to a specific deterioration of different nerve cells .
13 A problem whereby a strip at the left hand edge would be blank for quite bright subjects seems to be due to a lack of sensitivity of the device at that edge .
14 The ponderous patent application process seems to be unsuited to a fast- moving technology as it can take several years from initial application before a patent is finally granted .
15 It does not seem to be necessary for an ad to be at all well remembered for it to have an effect .
16 We found no change of practice in our study , but this does not seem to be due to a lack of use of management awareness profiles by the maternity units .
17 Thus the theme of respecting the proper boundaries of independence between parents and children does seem to be present in a variety of situations where parents give support to their adult children .
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