Example sentences of "seem to have [been] [vb pp] by [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ What dramatic merit the play had ’ , Warnie noted afterwards , ‘ seemed to have been supplied by Coghill and not by Shakespeare . ’
2 Their path of advance — from Christian to Muslim sectors — seemed to have been ordained by history .
3 The Christian view of life , death and afterlife as a continuum not only supplied a happy ending to the human story , but could also ‘ justify God 's ways to man ’ , in so far as the good man would be rewarded for a well-spent life , even if it seemed to have been dogged by misfortune .
4 Two different strategies seem to have been adopted by researchers in tackling the problems outlined in 7.5 and 7.6 , which are associated with the relationship between syntax and various types of meaning .
5 Certain kinds of employers ' combinations seem to have been hindered by antitrust legislation and this may help to explain the generally low level of organisation among employers .
6 In this case , however , though the style is recognizably Hitlerian ( apart from the accompanying specific instructions for implementing the boycott , which seem to have been composed by Goebbels ) , the ‘ appeal ’ was signed collectively by ‘ the Party Leadership ’ .
7 The profits of war were not to be found only in France : a grateful king rewarded his commanders with grants at home , and the wounds of 1341 seem to have been healed by success in war .
8 Both aspects of the legal realist movement seem to have been influenced by pragmatism .
9 In some cases these seem to have been produced by surface impacts , but in other cases exposure to a rather strong magnetic field in the past seems to be required .
10 It may be noticed also , first , that no actual misrepresentation seems to have been made by Duval to his wife , notwithstanding that he had concealed from her material facts and , second , that the pressure he exerted on her to persuade her to sign does not seem to have been excessively overbearing or to have been accompanied by the threats or false promises or intimidation that are sometimes the hall marks of undue influence .
11 It is thus apparent , as has been indicated elsewhere , that not all of the earthworks are contemporary with one another ; indeed , the basic outline of the settlement seems to have been determined by land divisions laid down several thousand years previously .
12 This equating of non-natural user with unreasonable risk in negligence seems to have been recognised by MacKenna J. in Mason v. Levy Auto parts of England Ltd .
13 This continent seems to have been created by Augustus Le Plongeon for his 1896 novel Queen Moo and the Egyptian Sphynx , which he claimed was based on original Mayan writings — which writings , of course , just happened to be unavailable to other scholars .
14 The first 16-bit generation was won hands-down by MS-DOS with Macintosh System in second place — and winning a moral victory by setting the agenda for what should have been the 32-bit generation but in effect became the second 16-bit generation , which seems to have been won by Microsoft Windows , even though for the majority , MS-DOS is all most people want or use .
15 This view seems to have been shared by Vinelott J.
16 His return to England seems to have been accompanied by Bishop Gerbrand of Roskilde , who was to be consecrated by Archbishop Æthelnoth of Canterbury , and is among the witnesses of the charter S 958 .
17 How he was able to do this is a mystery , for he never seems to have been paid by Lowther , not even for the necessary expenses of entertainment called for by an election campaign .
18 It seems to have been invented by Exekias , and there are a few late black figure and early red-figure examples , but Euphronios is the first to make it a regular vehicle for major work .
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