Example sentences of "seem [to-vb] [prep] [pron] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 He seemed to go from her for a moment , then he recollected where he was .
2 To her it was quite perfect , a light red costume made of silk , which seemed to cling to her like a second skin .
3 He seemed to stand over her for an eternity , about to strike .
4 The floor was so uneven that it was like running through the Crazy Cottage in a funfair ; the building itself seemed to pitch around him like a listing boat .
5 Mrs James seemed to talk to him by the hour , in the middle of the night , sometimes , he believed , and so did the children .
6 The food she had eaten immediately seemed to stick inside her like a great lump of lead .
7 Its bluish-black eyes seemed to focus on her for the first time .
8 The way she felt about him seemed to sweep round her like the clouds up above .
9 Lambs rubbed against the fence adjacent to Pete and cows seemed to smile at him across the farmyard .
10 as if in response to his cursing , the wild night struck back at him , flaring a double blow of brilliant whiteness that seemed to tear at him through the windows .
11 Madame 's eyes seemed to look past her into a different time .
12 This woman also had a passion to visit Russia , and she seemed to look on herself as a sort of tramp reformer .
13 Her scalp gleamed as if freshly oiled , and pornographic tattoos seemed to writhe across it with a life of their own .
14 She had been nineteen when her mother died , old enough to notice how poor old Pa seemed to shrink inside himself at the time .
15 Mr. Mendez seemed to stare at him for a While , thinking or just looking .
16 Lucy contemplated her future , which seemed to stretch before her in a pattern of bleakness , especially where her social life was concerned .
17 The smell of burnt powder seemed to hang around him in a cloud .
18 Fabia declared , stoutly , it somehow not sitting very well at all that he seemed to think of her as a child .
19 Because of a vague feeling of loyalty , a need to repay someone or something who had seemed to walk with me through the burning fiery furnace of my husband 's last illness , I had started now and then to go to church .
20 Even when the latter does raise religious matters , he seems to deal with them from a different perspective than that of the ascetic theology of Faustus or the spiritual philosophy of another great writer and friend , Claudianus Mamertus .
21 Given that ( i ) no other sources support this view ; ( ii ) the view is none the less generally reasonable ; ( iii ) evidence from Pomponius ( and perhaps also Julian ) seems to speak against it for the second century ; and ( iv ) a Justinianic interpolation seems unlikely , it seems most probable that the text represents the genuine view of Papinian .
22 ‘ It 's no good — I just ca n't seem to think of myself as a European yob ’
23 At first sight the outcome may seem to depend on which of the combatants is the stronger or more skilled .
24 I do not know why but that did not seem to register with me at the time , and it did not until there was a third assault on the door .
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