Example sentences of "group of [adj] [noun pl] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 What the outside world sees as a minister promoting a particular project is probably the end of a long process in which different groups of civil servants within the department have argued about the case for that venture as opposed to other ventures .
2 Six groups of general practitioners in the north east of Scotland were identified for the exercise in the first three months of 1990 — five in Grampian and one in Tayside .
3 Can we use a shape difference measure to classify the axes into groups of similar types on the basis of their shapes ?
4 Since we can not simply assume that the results from one bilingual setting must apply to all others too , we shall study two widely differing groups of bilingual children in the UK .
5 The Family Islands make up one of the groups of tiny islands within the Bahamas .
6 There are several more groups of odd echinoderms in the Lower Palaeozoic rocks — some of them only recently discovered , like the bizarre helicoplacoids , which look like nothing so much as spinning tops ( see p. 84 ) .
7 Schmitter contrasts the voluntary , competitive , non-hierarchically ordered and self-determined interest groups of pluralist systems with the compulsory , non-competitive , hierarchically ordered and functionally differentiated organizations of corporatism .
8 Vaguely disappointed , the detective sat by the steamed-up window , attracting the occasional glance from the groups of sullen men at the Formica tables , his nose prickling with pleasure at the smell of frying bacon .
9 The entire organisation , with its membership of eccentric senior officers and local groups of para-military ladies on the look-out for the Red Menace , seems like nothing so much as raw material for a comic novel of post-war manners .
10 When the Windsor herd arrives in late July they will make up the largest group of African elephants in the country .
11 During these years the most important of the established exhibitors at the Indépendants and the Salon d'Automne included Bonnard , Vuillard and Denis , while the strong group of Neo-Impressionist painters under the leadership of Signac were also recognized and admired ; by 1909 Vauxcelles was able to comment on the fact that it was no longer necessary to fight for the painters that he had christened the Fauves .
12 I knew that the Falkland Islands were similar to Shetland in that both were a group of treeless islands in the middle of an ocean , and I wanted to see just how wild creatures — and birds in particular — had adapted as different species in what I imagined was a similar environment .
13 The main challengers to the Tories are the Lib Dems and , with this in mind , and inspired by the NSS tactical voting guide , a group of Labour supporters in the city organised a tactical voting campaign .
14 The Enterprise Centre co-ordinated the Employer Contacts Group a group of key individuals from the Industrial Liaison Office , the Principal 's Office , the Development Office and Napier Business School , and the University 's Computer Unit , to develop an employer contacts database .
15 In 1971 the small group of regular journalists at the Old Bailey received £150 damages each for the intolerable insult of being collectively described in " The Spectator " as " beer-sodden hacks " .
16 This study was designed to look at an array of possible influences on diabetic control in a group of diabetic patients in the community in order to identify which factors influenced glycaemic control and to quantify the relative contribution of each .
17 Up the Empire ! ’ to a group of communist students from the UK gathered at the bar of his hotel , promises to do something about the ‘ blooming awful ’ state of Soviet plumbing and ends up making a deal with Stalin with the insouciance of George Formby addressing himself to Hitler .
18 It reads at times like a catalogue of economic aggression of which one telling example may be sufficient : in 1976 Ciba-Geigy purposely sprayed a group of Egyptian children with the pesticide Galecron in order to test its effects .
19 In 1858 Lord Clarendon , as foreign secretary , had feared that the vocal group of radical liberals in the House of Commons might be able to force the creation of such a body , and the idea surfaced occasionally in the decades which followed .
20 Within another two minutes Simmons was two-thirds towards completing his hat trick after he outpaced all six defenders and side-footed the ball past goalkeeper Slack , who had been caught unawares as at the time he was trying to impress a group of young girls in the crowd by swinging on the crossbar .
21 That day in early November when a warm sun was turning the autumn trees to gold , they entered the park by Grosvenor Gate and passed a group of young chimneysweeps in the Ring playing pitch-and-toss .
22 Included in a report of a National Association of Teachers of Drama conference ( 1981 ) there is a detailed account and analysis of a lesson with a group of young adolescents on the subject of a holy community living in twelfth-century Durham Cathedral .
23 ‘ … the invitation is made or the information is given by or on behalf of a body corporate , a single individual , or a group of connected individuals for the purposes of or with a view to the acquisition or disposal of shares in a body corporate other than an open ended investment company between parties each of whom is a body corporate , a single individual , or a group of connected individuals , being shares which —
24 Article 5(2) provides that the FSA , s57 does not apply to an investment advertisement if the invitation is made , or the information is given , by or on behalf of a body corporate , a partnership , a single individual or a group of connected individuals for the purposes of or with a view to the acquisition or disposal of shares in a company ( including a private company ) other than an open-ended investment company between parties each of whom is a body corporate , a partnership , a single individual or a group of connected individuals .
25 A group of Dutch artists under the collective name of ‘ Cargo ’ recently came up with the idea of dropping 20,000 loaves of bread into the sea as an act of sacrifice ‘ from the nation ’ .
26 He had picked up a group of experienced hunter-killers from the Phoenix NoGo , and turned them loose on the remaining sandrats .
27 It is born in the upper reaches of the glen , and its godfathers are a group of lofty peaks beyond the haunts of tourists .
28 On the drivechart the decision points , represented by square boxes , each offer a natural group of alternative routes to the teacher , who chooses one by pressing a single key — eg , ‘ 1 ’ selects the inverse problem where the computer provides the ‘ output ’ number from the named function and invites the class to guess the ‘ input ’ number .
29 Their first auction in Moscow was successful because they managed to obtain permission from the Soviet authorities to export a group of Russian paintings from the Twenties and Thirties .
30 Sixteenth-century towns do not appear to have had a solid group of stable families in the same way as so many contemporary rural parishes .
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