Example sentences of "group [prep] [noun pl] have [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Yes , Elizabeth Howell of Exploring Parenthood , certainly that is the case , both with parents and with people like teachers or child care workers , who are in locus parentis for many hours of the day , and our sense is very much that if the adults around children can feel supported and confident that they can acknowledge their own fears and anxieties that they will then be better be able to transmit that measured response to the children in their care and it was very interesting last week , I heard from an educational psychologist in the north of England who said that a group of teachers had asked from several schools to come together to think about the resources that they needed to set in place in order to deal with the children 's behaviour , and after the meeting , at which they were able to express their anxieties , they then returned to their various areas and when the psychologist contacted them a couple of days later they said we felt sufficiently supported by knowing that others are struggling with the same issues and that we could acknowledge our concerns about it , that we now feel able to get on with the job of helping the children , and I think that was a very good example of adults finding a way to acknowledge their own anxieties and thereby to increase their effectiveness in dealing with the children that in whose care they have .
2 A successful group of sponges has taken to boring into the shells of other organisms .
3 Spokesmen for the Chamorro government stressed that a small group of officers had acted on their own authority to ship the missiles , which included Sam-7s and Sam-14s and which had been used to shoot down Salvadorean army aircraft on Nov. 23 and Dec. 4 .
4 A group of students has escaped from the classroom for the day to take a crash course in circus skills .
5 As regards Monktonhall mineworkers ' consortium , it is encouraging that a group of ex-mineworkers have applied to British Coal to take over the pit , and I hope that they can make a success of it .
6 Some time later a um leatherworker dragged away the body and buried it , and at the headman 's house a group of men had gathered around the fire , talking .
7 A group of men had gathered round him , smoking chillims , talking .
8 One small group of children have decided to be miners .
9 One other group of insects has taken to the colonial life on a scale that is comparable to the termites ; those with narrow waists , two pairs of transparent wings and powerful stings , the wasps , bees and ants .
10 The group of pirates had clustered in one corner of the bar , and we all staring directly at me in an unblinking , bloody-icing way .
11 A group of spectators had gathered like vultures on the pavement .
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