Example sentences of "life [conj] [adj] [noun] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Ministers of all denominations testify to the fact that renewal and growth began as they met with those in their churches burdened by God to confess their spiritual apathy or impotence and to seek his power to heal their defeated lives and divided churches in order to become the people he intended them to be , not only in the Church , but in the world .
2 Housing can be a tool of social policy ; in fact it can be argued that it must be , since it is a crucial element in people 's lives and fair access to housing is essential to achieving social justice ( Burke 1981 ) .
3 It is in terms of the common-sense meanings and presuppositions of everyday life that other sub-versions of reality are socially constructed .
4 Chris Moore reporting on the life and political times of Nicholas Ridley , who died today .
5 With the $10,000 she received from the sale of Let Me Speak , her harrowing account of life and political struggle at Siglo XX , she has been able to buy a two-roomed house in the poor neighbourhood of Hayrakasa .
6 The old lady who dare not allow herself to be more than a few yards from the toilet or the old man whose underclothes are frequently wet with urine , may often react by limitation of social life and consequent days of isolation and low morale …
7 Joe held out his hand , they shook hands and walked away from each other , Joe feeling that he had done what he could to save Maureen from wrecking her life and suffering years of pain but troubled by sympathy and liking for Chris .
8 short-title of Defoe 's masterpiece , The Life and Strange Adventures of Robinson Crusoe of York , Mariner ( 1719 ) , based on the experiences of Alexander Selkirk .
9 In The Form of Living he charts the sacramental understanding at the heart of the Mass , as a whole way of life and perceived growth in consciousness ; his Meditations on the Passion engage with different stages of such growth and , indeed , are designed to act as catalysts for its progress .
10 Many adults have grown up in an environment in which they have picked up extremely infantile notions — notions which have never been challenged directly , but which , because of their almost total inadequacy and failure to square with other knowledge and experience , cause religion itself to be rejected as people become more sophisticated in other departments of life and other areas of knowledge .
11 The war changed national life and individual ways of living , and so in a general sense it struck at the very roots of conservatism .
12 The Americans have again gone ahead , with books on retirement communities like Idle Haven and Fun City , documenting their way of life and internal struggles for leadership .
13 The essence of the humanities is the study of how we have interpreted the world about us , how we have expressed our understanding through language , literature , philosophy and the arts , and how differing views of human life and various forms of society have shaped our history .
14 Table I.2 Expectation of additional years of life and ultimate age for men and women of various ages at various periods , United Kingdom
15 Sudan has , meanwhile , suffered a series of calamities during the 1980s : drought has caused severe economic problems , loss of life and massive movements of people , exacerbated by the rekindling of the civil war between the north and the south .
16 There is little doubt that higher cognitive functions are associated with complex social life and elaborate means of communication .
17 His publications include Electricity and Magnetism ( 1893 ) ; The Physics of Earthquake Phenomena ( 1908 ) ; and the Life and Scientific Work of Peter Guthrie Tait ( 1911 ) .
18 Classical Archaeology 1 introduces the archaeological evidence for the everyday life and social development of Greek and Roman civilisation c. 1000 BC — AD 400 ; and Classical Art 2 covers the development of Greek and Roman art during the same period .
19 Very little is revealed about the impact of these changes on the social life and social relations of farm families and farm communities .
20 ( Warner Home Video , PG , £10.99 ) Whore Theresa Russell is Liz , the Los Angeles hooker who speaks straight to camera about her life and hard times in Ken ( no relation ) Russell 's low-budget sleaze vehicle .
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