Example sentences of "great [noun sg] of [noun pl] in the " in BNC.

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1 The Midlands has the greatest concentration of motorways in the country — 350 miles which last year witnessed nearly a thousand serious or fatal accidents ,
2 The island has the greatest concentration of seabirds in the north-west and at nesting time they are numbered in tens of thousands in a variety of species — guillemot , razorbill , kittiwake , fulmar , puffin , herring gull and shag — creating a deafening cacophony of noise .
3 The great variety of creatures in the Burgess Shales is a reminder of how incomplete our knowledge is of all fossil faunas .
4 The great majority of companies in the construction industry are companies limited by shares , to which this chapter refers .
5 Soviet cases with political implications were given a great deal of publicity in the West , but there is little reason to believe that the great majority of cases in the Soviet Union were dealt with any less fairly than elsewhere .
6 It is hardly surprising that the great majority of accidents in the Alps occur during descent .
7 Just as the great majority of stations in the United States and Canada , particularly in the earlier period , were no more than frame sheds , so thousands of stations in Africa and Asia were very simple buildings indeed .
8 Several speakers agreed that there seemed to be a great waste of resources in the whole training area .
9 To a tenth-century man or woman ( and Karl Leyser has shown the great importance of nunneries in the aristocratic social order of tenth-century Saxony ) , as to a modern monk or nun , the raison d'être of monasteries was their communal worship , their liturgy .
10 ‘ The Pacific Ocean , its shores , its islands , ’ he said , ‘ will become the great theatre of events in the world 's hereafter … henceforth European commerce , European thought and European connections , although becoming more intimate , will nevertheless sink in importance. ,
11 The Grey Mountains divide the Empire from Bretonnia , the other great realm of Men in the Old World .
12 There are a great number of adherents in the highlands .
13 There was a great number of rabbits in the place — many more than he was bringing .
14 There are a great number of anomalies in the accounts he gave .
15 On Nov. 1 the IDA , as the party with the greatest number of seats in the National Assembly , unanimously endorsed Sharif as Prime Minister , the first Punjabi to hold this office .
16 The greater proportion of boys in the sample reflected more high scoring boys than girls being in the lower mathematics sets in the schools working with the project .
17 Tei and Owen provide no breakdown of their data in terms of the angular separation between adapting and test stimuli on their " different " trials so it is net possible to see whether adaptation is effective over a greater range of orientations in the LVF compared to the RVF .
18 But he said it was a temporary blip arising from greater throughput of cases in the civil courts ; increased efficiency at the Scottish Legal Aid Board and solicitors submitting their accounts more speedily because of the recession .
19 Their light-hearted attitude balances the greater seriousness of events in The Three Commanders , for they still scamper into adventure as their respective ships operate against slave-traders off the African coast and when they carry troops and fight battles off the Turkish coast during the Crimean War .
20 Not the least among these changes is the greater participation of women in the labour market and their increased career expectations .
21 It is solicitors , not barristers , who conduct much the greater number of cases in the lesser courts — county courts and magistrates ' courts .
22 Thus , while the far greater number of ratepayers in the open villages meant that there was no disincentive to build houses , those that were built quickly became decrepit rural slums .
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