Example sentences of "rather than any [noun] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 I did not learn much about remedial therapists but this may reflect the state of knowledge rather than any criticism of the author .
2 As with other examples of apparent technical brilliance , it is natural selection that has produced this innate behaviour , rather than any genius on the part of the house martin .
3 The conflict with Majorian was caused by his reversal of the policies of Avitus , rather than any hostility towards the Empire held by the Burgundians themselves .
4 This reflects the view of head teachers that what the police have to offer does not apply to their children rather than any unwillingness among the police to deal with middle-class children , or , even more preposterously , a belief that grammar school children present no problems in terms of juvenile crime .
5 A good many were there for the fun , rather than any dedication to the anti-Fascist cause .
6 The detection of insider dealing has increased ( although the conviction rate is still poor ) , and this is likely to be a reflection of better channels of detection rather than any upsurge in the problem as previously it was not a criminal offence ( and in some circles was regarded as a perk of the job ) .
7 Unfortunately for Brooks , the potential market share for the Beast is likely to be about as high as that enjoyed by the Land Rover , which is really a function of its specialist design rather than any deficiency in the shoe .
8 Once more , the letter arrived thanks to the Royal Mail 's tolerance rather than any accuracy from the Brain Club .
9 ‘ There is no doubt of a recovery , but we are more likely to see a gentle climb rather than any sort of a boom , ’ he said .
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