Example sentences of "rather than [prep] the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Thus , the UK was still a European leader in innovation in the 1950s and 1960s , but perhaps had a bias towards pure science rather than towards the commercial development of technological ideas that will form the next generation of industries .
2 However , most companies saw this growth related to factors such as increasing demand rather than to the enterprise-zone incentives themselves .
3 But at the same time , we must pay careful attention to what such young people are actually doing rather than to the easy caricatures of them which some seem to prefer .
4 The figures for the London Boroughs present several problems of comparison : the estimates for both education and socio-economic deprivation refer to the entire Inner London Education Authority ( ILEA ) , rather than to the individual Boroughs ; the estimates based on population density and for transport and recreation redistribution should be the larger of the two figures presented for comparative purposes , in order to include the provisions for the Metropolitan Police ; finally , where relevant , we have added average expenditure assessments for the Greater London Council ( GLC ) to each London Borough , in order to obtain total figures .
5 In one sense the educational approach is the polar opposite of the medical one , in directing attention to the possibilities of improvement and change , rather than to the physiological account of permanent impairment .
6 You will remember that a decision was taken a few years ago that we would lay our track to the standard British gauge of 4′ 8½″ rather than to the Irish gauge of 5′ 3″ .
7 For example , in calculating the amount at which stocks are to be stated , the test ’ lower of cost and net realisable value ’ should be applied to each individual material , rather than to the total stock-holding .
8 Analysts said that the fall was due to expanded market listings rather than to the Shenzhen riot .
9 193 , 208 should be construed as referring to the absence of specific Community legislation in that field rather than to the complete exclusion of E.E.C .
10 It was a situation whose benefits went largely to the richer tenant-farmers and the landowners rather than to the ordinary yeoman or labourer .
11 Strictly speaking , Hesiod refers to a golden race rather than to the golden age of later writers .
12 If lesion A affects function X but not function Y while lesion B affects function Y but not function N , it is reasonable to assume that the effects observed are specific to the loci of lesions A and B rather than to the general effects of brain damage .
13 We should not forget , however , that Berkeley 's own commitments are to God rather than to the predetermined demands of some idealized empiricism .
14 Without even criticizing the valuable work done by the private sector audit firms it should be a matter of principle that their reports should be presented to the C & AG rather than to the respective Secretary of State .
15 It is also possible to argue that less sensitive and reflective young readers might prefer Astrid Lindgren 's Pippi Longstocking stories , or relate to Erica in Jan Mark 's Handles rather than to the solitary Toms , Maxes , and Tollies .
16 Jews were supposedly a nation within a nation who owed allegiance to an international community rather than to the British State .
17 In other words , most translators prefer to give priority to the syntactic principles of the target language rather than to the communicative structure of the source text .
18 When he comes , will he take the opportunity to listen to them — the business men on the ground — rather than to the hon. Member for Wolverhampton , South-East ( Mr. Turner ) ?
19 What is important is that cells in area MT of monkey always responded according to the illusory direction of movement of the chevron perceived by a human observer rather than to the physical direction of movement of the component gratings .
20 Existing theories of the way in which the labour market for such occupations operate tend to be based within a static framework , concentrating upon contributions to current output rather than to the dynamic process of technological change and economic growth .
21 this Swedish consensus is a precedent to the development of certain institutional forms rather than a result of them , and it would be useless for Britain to look to the forms rather than to the antecedent substance .
22 Orders came in , and that helped the warehouse people unpack the boxes and despatch them ; the information got fed back to the editor to tell him what the sales were , and it was a continuous process and all of the people tended to see the computer as working very much for them , rather than for the other department next door .
23 It was a continuous process , and all of the people tended to see the computer as working very much for them rather than for the other department next door .
24 The difference is that the tank provides for the passive task of soaking items rather than for the active role of washing .
25 Finally , and again in contrast with the pluralist conception of policy-making , the functionally representative producer groups whose leaders are integrated into the state structure under corporatism are used as instruments of mobilization , control and legitimization , rather than for the spontaneous articulation of a plurality of competing political demands .
26 However , top management became aware that all of the work-force reductions , although necessary , were not attacking the basic problem : the organization had been designed for another time in history rather than for the competitive world in which it now lived .
27 Elections can not be , and should not be regarded as , a means for approving the details of comprehensive manifestoes and the electors often seem to vote against a party rather than for the winning party
28 The magnates ruled the localities by the end of the thirteenth century as political bosses , rather than as the petty princes they had been in the twelfth century .
29 He has told civil servants at the DTI to address him henceforth as president rather than as the traditional Secretary of State .
30 Increasingly it is merely used for its amenities — schools , shops , etc. — rather than as the social centre which it once was .
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