Example sentences of "most of [art] time [prep] his " in BNC.

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1 He lived for most of the time at his family seat at Laxton Hall , Northamptonshire , with his wife and only daughter , and frequented St. Saviour 's Church for the Deaf in London .
2 He had spent a while in the toilet , most of the time with his ear to the stethoscope-like instrument he 'd pressed against the closed door .
3 As well as the horror stories of the tsarist penal system and the Stalinist GULag , there are also examples of those exiles who managed to lead a relatively comfortable , if spartan , existence , taking regular exercise , hunting for sport , reading , writing and corresponding fairly freely with fellow exiles , enjoying connubial pleasures and composing theoretical treatises — one thinks particularly of Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov/Lenin who spent three reasonably fruitful and unexacting years , most of the time with his wife , Nadezhda Krupskaya , living as a political exile in the home of a rich peasant in the village of Shushenskoe in southern Siberia ( 1897–1900 ) .
4 I had a vague impression of their father but he had spent most of the time with his head in his hands .
5 ‘ I never think about Kev 's age and most of the time with his vast experience he 's one step ahead of the strikers we face .
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