Example sentences of "fact that [subord] [pers pn] have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He has told April that I am insanely in love with him , and now they both hate me : he , because I have made it plain this is not the case , and she for much the same reason , only compounded by the fact that since he has raised the subject , and in view of his demeanour towards me …
2 It was almost as small as the circle of names and acquaintances of the average senior civil servant , and was reduced further by the fact that once they had got on to a board , many businessmen rapidly came to resent the amount of time the job demanded .
3 But one must still be wary the fact that although we 've got this nice electric gadget , that we drop the probe into a bucket of water and it gives us er a salinity it is still entirely dependent on this ratio and this ratio is based on the constancy of composition which is very good for open ocean waters but breaks down in coastal waters where erosional processes , where fresh water additions and the sediment loads of the rivers may actually alter this ratio , okay ?
4 Is it not a fact that because we have introduced up to 100 per cent .
5 Suggest to them the fact that when they had finished this one they would know absolutely bloody everything that could be possibly known , now and for always , about Wimbledon .
6 For the truth was that she 'd been offered promotion a dozen times — in spite of the fact that when she 'd started as a trainee she 'd had no formal training , no experience , nothing to commend her but a fistful of ambition .
7 I was just going to mention the fact that if you have had breast cancer you can not go on H R T cos it was a hormone that caused it in the first place !
8 What Harry Lime missed out on , though , was the fact that if he 'd gone Club 18–30 instead of Austrian Airlines , and taken a couple of friends in tow who were paying the full price , he could have copped for a massive sixty sovs off his bill , got a suntan into the bargain , and avoided coming to a very nasty end in the sewers .
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