Example sentences of "fact that [det] of the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 A brave attempt , but ruined by the fact that neither of the elements are really up to much .
2 An indication that the acceptability of the concept of headhunting has made great progress among employers in Britain is the fact that many of the respondents attested to search consultants ' knowledge of the executive market place , gained over a number of years , and their expertise in certain specialised sectors .
3 The UCTA 1977 makes some clauses wholly ineffective , but the drafter or the client may be tempted to include such terms in order to deter claims , relying on the fact that many of the persons against whom the contract will be enforced will be ignorant of the law .
4 The problem is exacerbated by the fact that many of the mines are now within built-up areas .
5 As teachers , we need to be aware of the extent to which inequalities are enshrined within the status quo and the fact that many of the students with whom we work are the products of an unequal social system .
6 The matter is obscured by the fact that many of the coins were small barbarous copies of FEL TEMP types .
7 This was despite the fact that many of the Councillors were also Governors .
8 Tremendous emphasis has been put on the fact that many of the themes are French or European , not American .
9 This was so , despite the fact that many of the charges were minor and could not result in terms of imprisonment , and regardless of how the cases turned out if indeed they were ever proceeded with .
10 Moreover , Hodson LJ said that as well as the period of restriction , an added circumstance which has to be taken into account in assessing reasonableness was the fact that many of the customers covered by the covenant had been introduced by the defendant .
11 Although there is no such thing as a typical CD-I development budget , we can gain some sense of the scale of cost involved from the fact that many of the discs currently in production are budgeted at well over £250,000 .
12 Philip Stubbes , writing in 1583 , was disgusted by the goings-on in the woods in the middle of the night when the villagers went to cut their maypole , especially with the fact that many of the maidens who went were no longer maidens on their return !
13 Yet what seems to have upset them was the fact that many of the townsfolk were celebrating William 's peace .
14 It is for this reason that many experts prefer the expression " Islamic textile art " when describing oriental rugs , despite the fact that many of the items covered by this description will certainly have been woven by non Muslims and possess no trace of Islamic symbolism in their compositions .
15 The economic and constitutional rights of the republics , at the same time , should be increased and defined more precisely ; but any changes of this kind must take account of the fact that each of the republics was itself a multinational state in which the interests of all national groups must be properly respected .
16 Er , paragraph four Chairman , is the point that Policy and Resources when it was addressing the fact that all of the proposals from committees that 's currently within the guidelines did still leave a shortfall between projected expenditure of the County Council and the capping limit .
17 The fact that several of the boys were active members of the National Front , for example , had an all too direct bearing on how they positioned themselves as narrators of the fight , even though they were anxious to characterize their role as merely voicing public opinion on the estate .
18 The fact that half of the members of the Bundestag are selected from party lists , rather than being elected , only reinforces the power of the parties , weakens accountability and is open to the usual favouritist pressures .
19 The fact that most of the codes and standards incorporated in VDU safety clauses seem frequently to have been taken wholesale from various union guidance documents , raises questions as to how meaningful the discussions on VDUs have been .
20 The results — reported in Microbytes Daily — demonstrate a growing interest in 32-bit operating systems : OS/2 more than doubled its vote , to 15% from 7% last autumn — but Windows NT , which was n't even in the poll last autumn , won 16% of the votes despite the fact that most of the respondents have likely scarcely seen it .
21 The fact that most of the players in the Olympic match were from England seems to have borne this out , and our Blundellian correspondent sadly reflects : ‘ A cricketer in France is a stranger in a strange land looked upon with mingled awe and contempt by the average Frenchman . ’
22 Jack had been to tea at Tina 's house several times already and he rather liked the estate 's atmosphere , which was friendly and rackety , despite the fact that most of the inhabitants were out of work .
23 If you are the daughter-in-law in this situation , you need to accept the fact that most of the problems that arise have their roots in hidden jealousy ( including your own ) .
24 The exercise of electoral influence of this kind , by individuals as well as by the government , was made possible by the fact that most of the members representing boroughs , who made up over four-fifths of the House of Commons , were elected by very small numbers of voters .
25 Is it not a fact that most of the jobs lost have been in industries belonging to the last century and that most of the jobs gained are in industries with a bright future ?
26 However , the civil society and cultural values of the former CDP project area are likely to be profoundly influenced by the fact that most of the households resident in large parts of it are now dependent on state benefits rather than on wages for their reproduction .
27 If any relationship did exist between recall and previous knowledge it may simply have been obscured by the binary nature of scoring junctions as either known or not known and the fact that most of the subjects actually knew most of the junctions previously .
28 But I had to face the fact that most of the pupils were completely untouched by every part of the curriculum .
29 The situation is complicated by the fact that most of the settlers replaced the existing place names with their own .
30 This may find support in the fact that most of the confusions in terminology are found in what might be called the ‘ editorial ’ parts of the texts , in which the context is being briefly introduced before the decision of the master is quoted .
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