Example sentences of "fact that [pers pn] have [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 So what we would do then is identify the fact that we 've come into the building and therefore alerted everybody that lo and behold down the corridor are coming police officers .
2 I think we 're gon na have , we 've all got and face the fact that we 've got ta give them increased union activity before the ballot .
3 Klaasen 's contention that ‘ the only integration that has gone on so far has been among the top officials ’ seemed to be borne out by the fact that we had to wait for the penultimate game of the tours to seen the first nonwhite player take the field .
4 The fact that we had ventured into disputed territory meant nothing to my father .
5 He over-simplified American reactions with his comment that they " particularly resented the fact that we had acted on our own without American permission or concurrence . "
6 That 's not counting the damage to transformers and other equipment from the nests that escape our attention , or the fact that we have to deal with similar problems in Caithness and Shetland . ’
7 Is not one reason for the remarkable increase in the number of young people in training — from 6,000 in 1979 to 260,000 today — the fact that we have returned to the common-sense recognition that vocational training is of considerable value and more closely reflects the abilities of many young people ?
8 The dazibao writers regretted the fact that they had to resort to this medium for making their opinions known .
9 Those who then sat the exam were instructed to put on their application forms that they had studied the course privately , so the fact that they had studied from but not paid for the Henley course would not be traced .
10 By using the word ‘ altruistic ’ biologists do not wish to imply that animals are actuated by a concern for others , as will be obvious from the fact that they have written of altruistic behaviour not only in social insects but also in plants and even in viruses .
11 Coins can make three contributions to this study , all of which derive from the way that coin portraits are normally identified by the inscription that accompanies them and from the fact that they have survived in much greater numbers than have portraits in any other medium .
12 He and his department have been reluctant to discuss ideas for energy conservation , claiming that sulphur emissions from power stations have declined since 1979 ( and ignoring the fact that they have risen since 1984 , a side effect of faster economic growth ) .
13 And the fact that they have voted against with such a large majority is something
14 The influence of Kilkenny and Galway hurling is reflected in the fact that they have qualified for three finals , minor , U-21 and senior .
15 Moxon showed few signs of discomfort during his 231-ball innings but his blackened finger afterwards was testimony to the fact that he had played in pain .
16 His problems in composing this lecture were no doubt compounded by the fact that he had had in the past expressed no great liking for Goethe 's poetry — " I ca n't stand his stuff , " he had once told Ronald Duncan — and in any case he now found public addresses a complete waste of time.Immediately on his return from Germany , he travelled to the United States for a visit of two months .
17 Despite the fact that he had worked for most of the period of his contract in England , lived in England , was paid in English currency and paid National Insurance contributions in the UK , he was at all times liable to be recalled to Dhaka .
18 The story of this far from illustrious beginning was one Hugo never tired of telling , for the fact that he had started with nothing but raw talent and stubborn determination was something of which he was justifiably proud but he was less forthcoming about what had happened next .
19 The mistake was made even more stupid by the fact that he had known for some time the big tides were due .
20 Thus , despite the fact that he had dealt with the relationship of town and countryside at a very abstract level Bukharin did try to grapple with some of the fundamental , enduring and concrete problems arising from the revolutionary transformation of the economy .
21 The mere fact that the comment was directed to the actions of a local government authority would not enable the defendant to rely upon qualified privilege ; and the fact that he had published without malice in good faith and in the belief that the facts stated were true would afford no defence if the facts were not true .
22 At the fact that he had seemed to be regretting nothing ?
23 Despite the fact that he had come from a long line of soldier forebears , even the combination of breeding , upbringing and training no longer made it easy for him to bear the tedium of army life with good grace .
24 If he 'd explained at the beginning — and it did n't cancel out the fact that he 'd lied to her , did it ?
25 After all — had n't one of the things that had made it so difficult to get over Tony been the fact that he 'd got off scot-free ?
26 That he has been able to combine both ministries would be surprising were it not for the fact that he has worked as an active Socialist besides having a good track record in cultural affairs .
27 He attributed the group 's resilience to the fact that it had stuck to its specialist glossy ‘ how-to ’ books and continued to ‘ eschew the topical and the trendy ’ .
28 The brewery is unique in many respects , especially as a result of the outstanding beauty of its buildings , pond and meticulously maintained surroundings , this being due in no small part to the fact that it has remained in the hands of the Arkell family for well over a century .
29 But , despite the fact that it has capitalised on an unproven reputation ever since , it was not so much health which eventually transformed Brighton as royal patronage and high fashion in which the exercises of the spa served largely as a formal excuse for other , equally demanding , pleasures .
30 However , despite the fact that I had to pay for the survey , the society will not allow me to have a copy of the report .
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