Example sentences of "begin [to-vb] [conj] they [am/are] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The more you observe the bird and the animal life you begin to realize that they 're not so dump after all and if anything they begin to look and behave more like human beings every day .
2 Managers in their late forties begin to see that they are no longer the up-and-coming stars — indeed they may have come as far as they are going to go .
3 Fifteenth at the moment six days but spring is really just when new things begin to grow and they 're definitely beginning to grow now .
4 For Jenny , and most other women who have seen themselves as only ‘ victims ’ , first disclosures to other people — strangers like me — of the black torment they have kept grimly to themselves , makes them begin to recognise that they are actually ‘ survivors ’ .
5 Even though my children 's reading has long since moved on to Roald Dahl , C S Lewis and Judy Blume , the story ‘ template ’ is there , the dubious role models of their best-loved tales are firmly entrenched and I 'm beginning to wonder if they are there for life .
6 This frees the dentist from working with materials that have already begun to set before they are adequately placed and shaped .
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