Example sentences of "bring [pron] [adv] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He is not just the Pope of the Roman Catholics but a symbol of human beings striving to create institutions and practices which bring them closer to the ways of God .
2 Yes , that was some time ago when I was working as a hostess with the British Council and used to collect meet VIPs at the station and bring them here to the university .
3 A member of the local parish community will collect your son/daughter from home , bring him/her to SPRED then bring him/her home at the end of the session .
4 It 's now about bringing everyone together for the good of British rugby , ’ said the Scot .
5 Above and top : Polypterus ornatipinnis — even a large pair of these were not beyond Derek 's ingenuity when it came to bringing them home from the USA .
6 This latter period saw the creation of a labour code ( 1943 ) limiting the functioning of unions to a local and plant level and bringing them tightly under the control of the Ministry of Labour .
7 For me , there is an immediacy about them , an intimacy , that can bring me closer to the writer than anything else .
8 erm I think and what I 'll try and do , I 'll try and bring erm , I 've got two on the Thursday and I 'll try and bring them forward to the Monday , cos Monday 's a baker 's day is n't it ?
9 Reinforcing this quest for the extraordinary , which by definition should bring them quickly to the margins of deviance , is the fact … that one of the frequent rewards of achievement is an immunity to many of the sanctions that constrain and punish the less successful .
10 A Rose Hill bus will bring you almost to the door .
11 This , of course , will not bring us anywhere near the origin of the change .
12 things which have brought them here for the afternoon .
13 We stared in stunned shock , realising that the pilot must have made one last superhuman effort not to come down right on our heads , but then just could n't manage those last few yards which would have brought them safely onto the runway .
14 His Canadian passport was beautifully forged and had brought him effortlessly into the Republic of Ireland and thence on the ferry to England .
15 To constitute an offence under those sections the waste must have been deposited on an unlicensed site or in breach of the conditions in the licence , must amount to an ‘ environmental hazard ’ and must have been deposited in such circumstances or for such a period that whoever deposited it there may reasonably be assumed to have abandoned it there or to have brought it there for the purpose of its being disposed as waste .
16 had brought us here along the shore ,
17 Essentially this is a matter of love for the total cosmic reality of which we are a part as something whose magnificence transcends our own puny being , and gratitude to it for having brought us forth in the heart of it .
18 The route we had taken through the cordillera from Cajamarca had brought us virtually into the outskirts of Tmjillo and we had put up at a hotel in the centre of the city , all three of us more or less out on our feet .
19 There was a boat at the mill , and the current would help him down-river in the crossing and bring him quickly to the water-meadows by the abbey .
20 For instance , I was able to witness the dogs ' problems first-hand as Melanie muzzled them and brought them together into the living room .
21 On a bitterly cold November day , Richard collected Joan and the small , pale , vulnerable bundle and brought them home to the boat .
22 It was like toys : when you brought them home from the shop and got them out of the box they were never quite the same .
23 He brought me home from the hospital . ’
24 It deadened his days and brought him upright in the night , running with sweat and fear , his arms held out clutching the gun with which he had just shot his mother .
25 brought him there for the view , but it was impossible not to watch just the aircraft lights , perhaps macabrely hoping one would lose its grip .
26 When she took the last fence it brought her right around the wood , opposite the point where the Master had asked them to fan out .
27 George Collins of Eyemouth steered White Star into the eye of the storm , singing ‘ Jesu , Lover of my soul ’ , and forty hours later brought her safely into the Tyne .
28 Whereas previously their contribution had been submerged beneath the power of the front pair , on ‘ Meat Is Murder ’ they brought themselves fully into the fray , skilfully powering the music into the subconscious .
29 Ploughing through this for almost an hour brought us well into the hillside and at length to where the rail bed rose out of the water and into the old engine room .
30 Despite the atrocious weather conditions on our journey south , our driver , Paddy , brought us safely to the Shrine in good time for our first Mass in the Chapel of Reconciliation .
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