Example sentences of "turn [coord] [vb past] [prep] her [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ So long as it does n't interfere with your work ! ’ he snarled , and , as if he could no longer bear to be in the same room with her , he turned and strode from her sitting-room , through her hall , and out of her flat .
2 She could have been stoned , people would have mocked her as she passed in the street , as they jeered and booed that girl Serafina when she started getting bigger and everyone knew who 'd done it but they could n't do anything about it , not even kill him , because he was the son of a nobleman -Rosalba shuddered , remembering the way Serafina had thrown up her chin and turned and screamed at her tormentors , ‘ And which one of you is so good that you can point at me ! ’ , then dropped her head and run away down the street , holding her heavy breasts as she ran .
3 But … but now you 've made a stand ’ — she turned and looked at her daughter — ‘ keep it up .
4 Ellie turned and looked at her friend and her neighbour .
5 He turned and looked at her face .
6 He turned and looked at her sleeping beside him .
7 He had blurted it out , and with it had gone all his shyness ; he turned and looked into her face .
8 As he turned and looked into her eyes he knew instinctively there was no need to worry on that score .
9 She turned and lay on her back and looked up at him , her hair dishevelled , the tears staining her cheeks .
10 She turned and signalled to her maids who at once came out from beneath the trees and hurried along the path to her .
11 Morthen turned and ran for her horse , swinging across its bare back and violently twisting its head to face Tallis .
12 She turned and ran with her bike the way she had come , and did n't even stop to jump on again , until the-cows were out of sight round a bend !
13 After swimming a few lengths of the pool , she turned and floated on her back , enjoying the warmth of the sun on her half-submerged body , listening to the splashing of the other swimmers , their laughing voices , the harsh cries of magpies in the nearby forest , the occasional insect droning past .
14 Her eyes were now full of tears of rage or self-pity , and she turned and fumbled in her bag .
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