Example sentences of "turn [prep] his [noun sg] [conj] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 To get out of bed , for instance , the patient is turned onto his side or lifted and then brought into the sitting position on the side of the bed .
2 After all , had he wanted to praise the institution of marriage itself , he could have turned to his niece and regretted his solitary life by admitting , ‘ You got it right .
3 Mick now turned to his aunt and asked , ‘ Did Carrie pass her test ? ’
4 Nails turned on his back and glided ahead of him , watching him , waggling a big toe under Hoomey 's chin .
5 ‘ Good , ’ he said finally , then turned on his heel and left the room .
6 Before anyone could say a word he had turned on his heel and strode off looking to left and right as he went .
7 Corbett then turned on his heel and strode out of the room and made his way back up the alley .
8 And it had been on his drive back from Bramshill a week later that he had turned on his radio and heard the news of Berowne 's resignation of his ministerial post .
9 Rincewind turned in his saddle and glanced as Twoflower 's Luggage , which was currently ambling along on its little legs , occasionally snapping its lid at butterflies .
10 The American boy turned in his seat and stared , expecting to see a fight , but the cowering Annamite accepted his beating meekly and none of the European passersby spared the man a second glance .
11 The Maggot turned in his seat and rummaged in his camera bag until he found a battered Nikon and a roll of black and white film .
12 DeVore turned in his chair and looked across at his lieutenant .
13 Alec turned on his back and stared into the darkness .
14 He turned on his back and swam away , jerky and splashing .
15 He turned on his side and clasped her more tightly as a new wave of passion stirred him .
16 He did n't wait for her to argue further but turned on his heel and disappeared .
17 He turned on his heel and disappeared .
18 He turned on his heel and made off towards his car without waiting for a reply .
19 Penry looked as though he was about to burst into speech for a moment , then his face set in the familiar harsh lines , and without another word he turned on his heel and made for his sanctum , slamming the door behind him .
20 But when he strode on to the green , he came over , glanced fleetingly at the man , said not a word , turned on his heel and continued with his game .
21 The headmaster continued gawping dumbly for a second , then without a word he turned on his heel and led the way across the hall .
22 And he turned on his heel and stalked away , his limp almost imperceptible .
23 He turned on his heel and left the doorway .
24 Then , without more ado , he turned on his heel and left , slamming the door behind him .
25 He turned on his heel and left the room .
26 And for the second time since she 'd first met him , he turned on his heel and left her , his blistering words still seeming to echo in the very air around her .
27 When Bodie abruptly turned on his heel and went back to his car , she let her head drop slightly , and indicated that she should be helped on into the Embassy building .
28 It 'll save me the trouble , ’ and turned on his heel and went back to the shop .
29 Without waiting for an answer to this , he turned on his heel and went down to his waiting pupils .
30 Mahmoud turned on his heel and went off without a further word .
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