Example sentences of "turn and [verb] [adv prt] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The leaders turned and rode back to the inferno of a village .
2 Then , as Creggan abruptly turned and went down into the silence and gloom of his shelter , where no other eagle could see him and he could be alone with his thoughts , Kraal muttered after him , ‘ Golden eagle !
3 The three faces turned and glared back over the demon 's shoulders .
4 ‘ Run , ’ Vitor instructed , and as Ashley obediently turned and headed off up the drive he sprinted beside her .
5 When Patrick had stormed out of the room , his head pounding , bile in his throat , he had started for his room , but then he had thought of Jane , and he had turned and headed back down the hall towards the room she shared with her sister .
6 Alexei turned and shouted back into the house .
7 The visitors turned and filed out of the room , realising that the conversation had come to an end .
8 But the stranger had already turned and walked off into the night , back along the towpath in the direction from which he 'd come .
9 If I 'd turned and walked out of the Moebius Strip , none of this would have happened .
10 She turns and goes back to the house .
11 ‘ Good , ’ he said thickly , raking a hand through his hair , then turned and strode out of the villa , slamming the door behind him with a crash that reverberated through the house .
12 Ben turned and stared out across the water fixedly .
13 Alone again , he turned and stared out across the shadowed lands of his estate towards the distant mountains .
14 But she had gone only a few paces before she turned and stared back at the door , a strong sense of oddness — of wrongness — holding her in its grip .
15 Ben hurried to the shutters and threw them open , then turned and stared back into the room .
16 It had become a very sad sight indeed , but Jack hardly noticed as he turned and stared back down the hill to Sakata , its neat rows of buildings looking like so much Lego .
17 He turned and stared back down the muddy track .
18 He hesitated , then turned and rummaged around on a shelf against the wall .
19 With a slow smile that gave his face quite extraordinary charm , he picked up his bowl , waved a languid hand , then turned and ambled back across the garden , his borrowings clutched ridiculously to his large chest .
20 Miss Honey had heard the sound of Matilda 's feet racing over the gravel and now she straightened up and turned and stepped out of the rose-bed as the child came running up .
21 And she turned and went on down the path .
22 Aggie took two or three steps backwards , smiled , and turned and went out of the room , leaving the door wide open .
23 Then he turned and went out of the door .
24 A shy and tentative smile came to the girl 's face and then she turned and went out of the room , walking as surely and as gracefully as if she could see just like everyone else .
25 Without another word , he turned and went out of the room .
26 Then he turned and went out in the garden again , closing the door behind him .
27 She stared at me blankly for a moment , then turned and went back to the sitting room .
28 ‘ Cheers , lads , ’ Duncan said as we turned and went back to the pillar .
29 Without saying anything further , Millie turned and went back into the house ; and Ben followed her , there to see Aggie shambling into the room , and although her eyes looked full of sleep , their powers of discernment were indeed wide awake .
30 Then he turned and went back into the house .
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