Example sentences of "hold [art] [noun sg] [prep] power [prep] " in BNC.

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1 AN Australian morals campaigner whose small party holds the balance of power in the New South Wales Parliament today threatened to block all legislation unless the state government abandoned planned gay rights laws .
2 It is just unfortunate that reality obliges him , instead , to contemplate the tiresome possibility that the Liberal Democrats hold the balance of power in a Parliament in which neither Tory nor Labour parties have an overall majority .
3 The Ulster Unionists came in for particular criticism , being accused of sacrificing the province 's interests in Europe for the prospect of holding the balance of power at Westminster .
4 2 If a future Parliament is " hung " with the centre parties holding the balance of power between Conservative and Labour then the Liberals and Social Democrats have made it clear that the price of their giving support to any minority government would be a binding agreement to introduce proportional representation .
5 Opinion polls predict that the Green alliance could win at least 15-17 per cent of the vote in the elections ; an 18 per cent share would give it a chance of holding the balance of power between left and right in the national assembly .
6 His seat is safe but high hopes of Liberal Democrats holding the balance of power in a new administration have already faded .
7 Finding themselves holding the balance of power in parliament , they managed to introduce the Home Rule Bill of 1886 .
8 Political commentators noted that by aligning tactically with the LDP at this stage , Komeito anticipated holding the balance of power in the Lower House after the elections , a position it already enjoyed in the Upper House .
9 The conservative Popular Party ( PP ) increased its share of the vote to 25.2 per cent , and gains by the communist-led United Left ( IU ) made it the third most important political force , holding the balance of power in a number of regional and city governments .
10 Without that leverage , the RPF could either take a vow of self-imposed isolation ( in the hope that this would be rewarded by electoral victory in 1956 ) or risk its anti-system character by participating in parliamentary politics and even holding a share of power in coalition governments .
11 Together or separately , the two of them may hold the key to power after the election .
12 His impassioned speech came at the end of a day of increasing speculation over the likelihood that the Liberal Democrats could hold the balance of power after Thursday 's general election .
13 In Spain , the party that might hold the balance of power after the general election on June 6th , the Communist-dominated United Left , has reservations about the treaty , though it has dressed them up as criticism of the government for refusing to call a referendum on it .
14 However , if he can form an alliance with militants elected from Punjab and Assam , he might just hold the balance of power in a hung parliament .
15 Die Gruenen could hold the balance of power in the federal government of Europe 's richest state .
16 Gallup also asked : If the minor parties turn out to hold the balance of power in the new Parliament , what would you like to see happen ?
17 Since 1969 the centrist Free Democrats have held the balance of power in the Bundestag .
18 ( The Australian Conservation Foundation and the Wilderness Society , the country 's two main environmentalist groups , called on their supporters to vote for the Democrats — the centre party which held the balance of power in the Senate but which possessed no seats in the House of Representatives — but to direct their second preferences to the ALP . )
19 The most controversial item was the IS222,000,000 allocated to religious institutions linked to the four religious parties , which held the balance of power in the ongoing negotiations to form a new government [ see pp. 37303-04 ] .
20 Dimitrov had also been obliged to co-ordinate the reshuffle with the Movement For Rights and Freedoms ( MRF ) , the ethnic Turkish party which held the balance of power in the Assembly .
21 He was forced to resign , however , when the three independents who held the balance of power in the state legislature threatened to join the ALP opposition in a vote of no confidence against him .
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