Example sentences of "' [noun sg] [prep] [noun] to [art] " in BNC.

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1 Cresswell believed that the ‘ dole business ’ in the south was responsible ; Cooper claimed that on election day ‘ when children went to get free dinners they were told to tell their parents that if Cooper was returned no more free dinners would be given ’ ; Coath said that electors had been told that if they voted for him ‘ they would get no more doles ’ ; and Clare had been accused of voting against the guardians ' grant of coal to the unemployed ( SE 11 November 22 ) .
2 Though the Court of Appeal in Dume [ 1986 ] The Times , 16 October , refused to say whether W v Dolbey was correct , there is now the Lords ' decision in Savage to the effect that it is .
3 Thus the Declaration confirmed the illegality of the suspending power and dispensing power , it abolished the Commission for Ecclesiastical Causes , and it defended the right of subjects to petition the Crown ( a defence of the bishops ' action in opposition to the second Declaration of Indulgence ) .
4 We do however , consider , illustration to be essential , and recommend that the National Curriculum Council ( NCC ) in conjunction with the Curriculum Council for Wales ( CCW ) and , as appropriate , with SEAC , commission the compilation of an extensive collection of pupils ' work in relation to the statements of attainment we have recommended .
5 On May 3 the remains of Enver Hoxha and 12 other " former leaders of the Party of Labour " ( the PLA — the former ruling party , later renamed the Socialist Party of Albania — SPA ) were discreetly transferred from the Martyrs ' Cemetery in Tirana to a public cemetery in the suburbs of the city .
6 The auditors draw shareholders ' attention to notes to the accounts which state that they incorporate amounts derived from four subsidiaries placed into administrative receivership after the year end .
7 Farming communities , such as are found in Central Wales , benefitted a great deal from the advent of the railway : it meant cheaper raw materials , but at the same time the value of farm produce increased due to the railways ' ease of access to the more affluent urban markets .
8 The Henley Centre results also suggest that discriminatory taxation will reduce spirits ' share of consumption to the benefit of other categories of alcoholic drinks .
9 It did n't help when Westminster enforced successive cuts in pay as part of the public-services ' sacrifice in relation to the national economic crisis of 1931 and 1932 .
10 If sufficiently precise , as in " can add whole numbers summing to between 100 and 1,000 " the criterion statement may specify the domain of test items from which a representative sample can be selected to assess pupils ' performance in relation to the criterion .
11 This may be reasonably safe with a very long tow rope , but if there is only a shorter length of rope available the glider may overrun and smash into the back of the car , causing hundreds of pounds ' worth of damage to the glider .
12 Er , and in general we have a , er , panel of the non-executive directors who set the directors ' salary in relation to the other directors I am also on that panel er , but obviously not in relation to my own salary .
13 Despite linguists ' lack of recourse to an agreed code of conduct , ethical issues in the linguistic sciences have sometimes been quite pressing .
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