Example sentences of "off [pos pn] [noun] [conj] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Now I 'll get off my bottom and get it for you . ’
2 I pulled off my shirt and threw it beyond the woodpile .
3 I stripped off my clothes and dropped them in heaps on the floor .
4 On the porch outside the front door , I kicked off my sandals and pushed them to one side where they joined an already substantial pile of varying styles and sizes .
5 I managed to pull off my mask and see it was a white car . ’
6 Well , cut off my legs and call me Shorty , it 's you guvnor . ’
7 When I had finished I took off my coat and hung it on a nail .
8 At the approach to the bridge I take off my burdens and lay them down .
9 The sun became relentlessly hot , adding dehydration to my distress ; I stripped off my pyjamas and restored them to the rucksack .
10 When they did n't have a gang to fight they 'd run after me , take off my trousers and hide them in a bush .
11 She took off her jacket and slung it down on the settee .
12 Nevertheless , Clara could tell from her tone that she was pleased about something , and , as she took off her blazer and hung it in the cupboard , she waited to hear what it was .
13 She stripped off her clothes and dropped them where they fell , then ran a bath and climbed into it , scouring her skin over and over with a loofah as if she could wash away the memory of his body on hers .
14 She pulled off her clothes and left them in a heap , then lay on top of the covers looking up at the ceiling .
15 For she had taken her mind from his marauding hands and , with a low guttural cry , he had succeeded in stripping off her top and flinging it from them into the dark recesses of the room .
16 He was kissing her hungrily , then he lifted her off her feet and carried her to the water 's edge , resting her on the sand so that their bodies could feel the gentle ebb and fall of the sea against them .
17 In her room , she took off her dress and hung it up carefully .
18 Carefully Merrill took off her dress and shook it in case the earring was caught up somewhere in its folds .
19 Mary Rose took off her mink and handed it to a large redheaded girl , who looked at it and stroked the silky fur before she hung it up on the back door among the muddy anoraks .
20 She took off her scarf and tied it round her head , and then thought better of it — why allow herself to be provoked ?
21 As she swayed dizzily he caught her , stripping off her dressing-gown and placing her in bed .
22 Blanche peeled off her raincoat and hung it on the back of the chair .
23 But I was furious , and at the end of the afternoon , tore it off her head and threw it in the fire .
24 Once she had turned the corner and the house was hidden from view , she jumped off her bike and pushed it through the maze of potholes that pitted the drive as it meandered the half mile to the main gates .
25 Wearily she took off her stockings and hung them on the back of the chair to get ready for bed .
26 Only two and a half hours more to go , I told myself , and fixed the old lady with a hard stare that I hoped somehow conveyed to her what pleasure , what deep and lasting pleasure , it would give me to haul her off her seat and push her out the window .
27 She dosed the door softly behind her , took off her coat and folded it neatly on the small divan bed and snuggled down in the flowery corner armchair .
28 Georgina pulled off her coat and flung it on the chair .
29 She was then told to take off her coat and put it over her head .
30 After she 'd completed her delivery round of the dressing rooms , Lucy came back into the department , took off her coat and threw it in the corner , and then threw herself onto one of the available chairs with an equal lack of ceremony .
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