Example sentences of "different from [Wh det] [pron] [modal v] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The theory has to cope with situations in which the dynamical properties of particles , such as electrons , protons and neutrons , and even atoms , are very different from what we would expect of a scaled-down billiard ball following its usual ‘ classical ’ behaviour .
2 The motion is thus a highly ordered one , although different from what one might anticipate .
3 They were big , comfortable-looking farm buildings , not much different from what one might find in parts of Perthshire , except that the upper floor had a roofed balcony running along one side .
4 But even if we accept that there is a significant difference between the ‘ legal ’ and ‘ political ’ processes in the way in which decisions are reached , they would both still come firmly within the definition of power we adopted in part I , that is the ability to get others to do what you want them to , assuming this is different from what they would have done anyway , with the use or threat of sanctions if necessary .
5 However , the majority of teachers who were interviewed claimed that they had not done anything different from what they would have done were they not being observed , but that they had probably prepared lessons more carefully and thought things through more .
6 It is easy to forget that the majority of the people living on earth still lived and died where they had been born , or , more precisely , that their movements were no greater or no different from what they would have been before the Industrial Revolution .
7 All it covers is the basic treatment in line with the minimum requirement in the country where you are staying — and that can be very different from what you would expect from the NHS .
8 ‘ The meals are very different from what you would get at home , but once they are brought to the boil they give off a most delicious smell . ’
9 ‘ What you should want to pursue him for might be different from what I would pursue him for . ’
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