Example sentences of "different [noun] [prep] the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Colouring was done by hand , following pattern plates coloured by the artist , so that different copies of the same work , perhaps done several years apart in a slow-selling book , may differ considerably among themselves .
2 Yet when men were asked to smell swabs taken from a woman 's vagina at different times during the menstrual cycle , they found the smells least attractive at the time of ovulation .
3 Greeks , Romans , Byzantines , Bulgars , Turks , Albanians and Vlahs all at different times during the medieval period made their cultural , political and ethnic contributions to the Macedonian melting pot .
4 The number of fully established senses is presumably finite at any one time ( though it may differ for different members of the language community , and at different times for the same speaker ) .
5 These occurred at different times down the whole length of the front , from Haj Omran in the mountains of the north to the marshes in the south .
6 Some owners have observed that two helpings of exactly the same cat food , given at different times on the same day , are treated differently — the first being eaten , the second rejected .
7 This comes clearly into focus with a realisation that the differences in recall at different times by the same person are to be understood through this creativity process .
8 In the first stage of training the subjects had received instructions to emit a given response ( a key-press in one study , a word in another ) to one of the tones and to the light , but to emit a different response to the other tone .
9 A very different response to the critical approach to the Bible was worked out on the other side of the Atlantic by Charles Hodge ( 1797 — 1878 ) of Princeton , the Presbyterian seminary which came to be a veritable bastion of Calvinist orthodoxy .
10 ‘ That could mean having children of vastly different ages in the same class , ’ he says .
11 Scrunching is a simple and effective technique for adding volume to fine hair , giving you a different look at the same time .
12 Whether two different surfaces of the same area have the same radiation signature was generalised to the point where mathematicians asked if drums of the same perimeter and area , but different shape , had different sounds : could one hear the shape of a drum ?
13 Even when these insects adopt a very different existence for the first part of their lives , they do not change their form very radically .
14 When a speaker S who speaks a particular variety V1 of a language L moves to an area where the local language is , in terms of speakers ' own assessments , a different variety of the same language L — in other words , a different dialect of L — say , V2 , it is usual for that individual 's speech to acquire some of the phonological and grammatical characteristics of V2 .
15 The different interpretation of positional signals by arms and legs can be traced back to their different developmental history , each bud arising at a different level along the main body axis .
16 As different strata of the educated public became conscious of belonging to a substantial and articulate body of opinion , ‘ society 's ’ self-confidence grew .
17 Similarly , where in different strata of the same excavation or in separate sites discontinuities in the styles of artefacts occur , these indicate that different manufacturing communities are involved .
18 Evidently , different dictionaries can provide quite different definitions for the same word .
19 The leading protagonists in Paris include Martin Margiela , Ann Demeulemeester , Veronique Leroy , Andre Walker , Helmut Lang , Jean Colonna , and Xuly Bet — all very different exponents of the new sensibility .
20 It should be flexible : not in terms of changing.to meet the inputs but in terms of being broad enough to channel different inputs in the required direction .
21 If different strains of Lolium perenne produce different phenotypes from the same clone of white clover , it is difficult to escape the conclusion that different species of grass are even more likely to exert different selective pressures within populations of white clover .
22 By writing down their key words , taken from headings within the chapter , you can have in front of you parallel but different patterns of the same subject .
23 And more important , they suggest that the different states of consciousness , which manifest themselves as different ‘ personalities ’ in one individual , may correspond to different patterns in the Physiological activity of the brain .
24 The she can work out a different course to the Fraxilly sector . ’
25 Yet the prevailing treatment of women workers defines them as a particular and different sub-group of the general category ‘ workers ’ ( this parallels the role they are assigned in the study of deviance ) .
26 All religions , according to Gandhi , are different roads to the same goal and it is his contention that there will always be a variety of religions corresponding to different human temperaments and environments .
27 Todorov finds a variety of different manifestations of the absent essence in James 's stories .
28 As we have repeatedly noted , however , politics and religion for Israel at the time were inextricably associated — were , in fact , essentially different manifestations of the same thing .
29 One of the reasons for the slow advance in understanding syphilis and gonorrhoea was the belief that the two conditions were simply different manifestations of the same disease .
30 Barrett was the first to suggest that these fibrotic conditions were inter-related and probably different manifestations of the same disorder .
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