Example sentences of "why [pron] [verb] [vb pp] [adv prt] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Erm so that 's why I 've put down the two .
2 Defoe 's Roxana explains why she has turned down an offer of marriage from a Dutch merchant : ‘ …
3 That is why we have taken up the position that we have over GATT , a position which is widely welcomed by that industry .
4 That 's why they had torn down the children 's hospital to make room for the miniature golf course .
5 In a broadcast on Feb. 23 the NPKC explained why it had carried out the coup .
6 ‘ I could n't understand why he 'd given up a job he clearly loved to come back here . ’
7 And now , sitting legs stretched , on a chair too low comfortably to accommodate his six feet two inches , eyes fixed on that single taper , unflickering in the incense-heavy stillness , he could hear again the tone , taut with self-disgust , in which Berowne had explained why he had given up the law :
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