Example sentences of "hand on her [noun] and [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Ginny smoothed her hands on her dress and got her breathing under some sort of control .
2 I put my hands on her arms and try to move her aside .
3 As it grew she would put her hands on her belly and talk to the baby .
4 The woman was shocked when QC William Crawford put his hands on her waist and pecked her on both cheeks .
5 He put his hands on her shoulders and kissed her , then held both her hands and smiled down at her as I had not seen him smile since I mentioned her name that night in the subway .
6 As Seb passed by he placed his hands on her shoulders and leaned over to kiss her on the cheek .
7 Roman put his hands on her shoulders and turned her gently to face him .
8 He put his hands on her shoulders and inspected her face closely ; nodded as if he approved of it and began to unfasten her hair .
9 Kathleen put her hands on her hips and squared up to him .
10 Again Carol acted as if I was n't there , swaying past me into the middle of the camp where she put her hands on her hips and yelled : ‘ Melissa !
11 Alyssia placed her hands on her hips and glared at his back .
12 Biddy Bedwelty stood with her hands on her hips and surveyed Whizzo .
13 Then she put her hands on her hips and threw back her head .
14 Mary Gates came out of the house wiping her hands on her apron and looked at her son 's purchase .
15 Sarah wiped her hands on her apron and stared at Maura , her face wrinkled in concern .
16 He put his hand on her shoulder and looked out again .
17 But before she could finish the sentence she felt a hand on her shoulder and turned to find Rune looming over her , glass in hand .
18 He rested his hand on her shoulder and gave her a long kiss on the lips .
19 He adored his daughter ; he could n't resist putting a hand on her head and ruffling the bright blonde hair .
20 And now he put his hand on her hair and stroked it , saying , ‘ It 'll be all right .
21 He smiled , his eyes taking in her shiny hair , silky dress and everything else about her , and , while Leith was still recovering from the ‘ darling ’ , he placed a firm , possessive hand on her elbow and guided her into the room .
22 The baby was kicking , at night Alan lay with his hand on her side and felt the repeated thrusting movements .
23 He gently replaced her hand on her knee and said , " You 'll have the place like a palace in no time . "
24 Finn put his hand on her knee and said softly : ‘ We , too , have lived here , on and off , since our parents died . ’
25 After a moment he unobtrusively laid a hand on her knee and said :
26 She blushed deeply ; Tina laid a hand on her arm and laughed merrily .
27 She felt his hand on her arm and tried to shrug it off , tried to keep moving .
28 He closed his hand on her arm and drew her into the gloom of the passage .
29 It was n't until she felt his hand on her breast and experienced , like hot needles going through her , the sharp tug of responsive desire in her loins that Ronni belatedly realised what was happening .
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