Example sentences of "part of [noun] [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 There 's been recent reassessment of the traditional picture of the enforced flight from the labour force to domesticity on the part of women just after the war , and far from a flight , large-scale recruitment to the new industries in the early 1950s now seems to present a more historically accurate picture .
2 These restrictions on testation had disappeared over the greater part of England early in the fourteenth century , but they survived in the province of York till 1692 , in Wales till 1696 , and in London till 1724 .
3 What a growing part of agriculture all over the world had in common was subjection to the industrial world economy .
4 It was possible , of course , that their man had taken his taxi to a part of London far from the place he was staying in .
5 1 The Artist accepts an engagement to play the part of Receptionist in At the Doctor 's in the video entitled Grapevine II ( hereinafter referred to as the Video ) and during shooting to be available for stills photography .
6 At least the newspaper 's editorial columns served to remind me that Geneva had become part of Switzerland only in the previous year .
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