Example sentences of "too [det] have be [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In fact , it could be argued that too little has been made of the naturalness of depression — that to a large extent it develops as an understandable reaction to life circumstances .
2 Too little has been made in social work of the effect upon the child of long or repeated absences by the parent , except in relation to early maternal deprivation .
3 Too little has been spent on maintaining the system in the past and the industry , faced with signs of accelerating failure rates , does not yet appear to be doing enough to contain the rate of decay .
4 Too much had been vested in his first family .
5 The underlying problem was , perhaps , that too much had been expected of the Queen .
6 Too much had been taken from the ethos of the boys ' schools , including blazers and ties , which are hangovers from male attire of the Edwardian era .
7 Not too much has been done in the mountains , hardly surprising given the length of time they have been dry , but Dai Lampard snatched a great ascent with Mother of Mercy E5 6a .
8 In many respects the management of GEAR has been ineffective : goals have been defined too broadly , simply to ensure consensus ; organizations have been assimilated within GEAR for purely cosmetic purposes ; power has been too diffuse ; and too much has been made of environmental improvements when the local economy has been subject to dramatic changes and unemployment has risen substantially .
9 It is , I think , not untrue to say that too much has been made of an explanation of salvation couched primarily in terms of the law courts — crime and punishment — in which God the lawgiver demands and receives satisfaction .
10 Too much has been made of this by Western critics .
11 ‘ There is pressure on me , but too much has been made of that .
12 Perhaps part of the problem is that far too much has been expected of positivist criminology or , alternatively , positivist criminologists have been responsible for fostering too grandiose expectations .
13 Perhaps too much has been expected of it : education policy is too weak an instrument for counteracting the great weight of inequality in British society .
14 A tourist probably dropped it , I thought , but when I looked closer there were more of them , far too many to have been left by a traveller .
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