Example sentences of "too [adj] for a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It was an eerie place , full of strange sounds and dank smells and things too frightful for a small boy to contemplate .
2 If anything , Ambassador is perhaps a little too strong for a three-day event horse … ’
3 If the ball is too far away to trap normally , just press and release the fire button — as long as it 's too low for a diving header , you 'll execute a sliding tackle .
4 If the lavatory is too low for an elderly person , a raised polypropylene toilet seat which fits over it , but is easy to remove and to wash , can be very useful , and a chromium-plated hand-grip fixed very securely to the wall at the side of the lavatory can also be helpful .
5 But the house is too overcrowded for an extra person .
6 ‘ The bridge was too high for a good angle anyway and the fact that it blocked the view of so many meant that the atmosphere never developed properly , so that the cameras had nothing convey .
7 Trading in the company 's shares was hectic and the 3.5 million Saatchi shares that changed hands by closing time is too high for a simple ramp .
8 Bates entered his third final in an uneasy mood , stating his opinions about a fine which he considered to be too high for a verbal abuse offence — this did affect his performance .
9 The role of Treasurer over the years has grown from overseeing simple book-keeping to an extensive involvement and the contributions of Leslie Wise , A.J. Chapman , Albert ( Bert ) Ford and currently Jim Grey , have been valuable indeed and it is not surprising that Arthur Chapman felt the work was too demanding for an Honorary Treasurer , although what each does might vary depending on what bias the secretary brings to his post .
10 Today 's Eastern Europe is too messy for a tidy plan .
11 You 're not too old for a good smack . ’
12 At 41 , the experts told Liliana she was too old for a natural birth .
13 We have moved away from such remedies as being too brutal for a humane society and nowadays those who advocate them are seen as blimpish relics of an imperialist , authoritarian society which favoured cold baths and weals on the buttocks as character forming .
14 Labour 's policies would be mercilessly attacked , but the personalities would receive the ‘ Ashdown treatment ’ — in other words , sex scandals apart , they would be regarded as far too bland for a no-holds-barred hatchet job .
15 The results of these Monday afternoon treks ( is at Nursery and I am not at work only Monday and Friday afternoon and Friday afternoon is not a good time to go bothering people ! ) were now covering rather more than a double page and indeed was too much for a single newsletter article .
16 With like at stake , she does n't think it 's asking too much for a reduced speed limit , crossing and street lights .
17 I did not think £9 too much for a fine steak , or £150 too much for the sort of weekend that would cost £200 in Edinburgh or London .
18 According to the DoT 's own guidelines such a figure is too much for a dual carriageway .
19 It was too much for a little girl and I think it rather put me off chapel .
20 If the upkeep of a garden is getting too much for an elderly person , and finance and willing helpers can be found , a suggestion that it should be paved , with a few easily managed tubs of flowers and shrubs at a convenient height , is often an acceptable idea .
21 That 's too much for an old lady . ’
22 But it is too early for a balanced assessment of Stockhausen 's place in 20th-century music .
23 He was far too pure for a young boy and he was n't very realistic .
24 It was too low-lying for a mobile phone and completely isolated , but the buyers loved it .
25 That night , just seven prison officers were coping with seven hundred and fifty inmates , many violent street gang criminals , involved with drugs and too dangerous for a low security jail .
26 On the Lantonment and river sides of the banqueting hall there had been no firing of chain shot to clear the jungle : this was partly to save powder , partly because the banqueting hall was , anyway , higher than the surrounding land and thus more difficult to surprise ; there were also natural clearings to be seen here and there where the ground was too stony for a thick growth .
27 When cultural and economic identity are lacking it is all too easy for a capitalist system to ‘ sell ’ culture issues and values quite aggressively .
28 Our echographic measurement of the antrum is too schematic for a physiological study of gastric motility but it is sufficient for use in crossover trials where each subject acts as his/ her own control .
29 When the number of enquiries gets too large for a logarithmic search , or even some form of interpolation search , an indexing technique can be used to retrieve records more quickly .
30 It is too ambitious for a financial organisation to hope to recognise such situations and respond accordingly ?
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