Example sentences of "must not be [verb] [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The candidate must not be hidden in or by the crowd ; at the same time he must not appear too remote .
2 They may be regarded as having been , at central government level , ideologically inspired : that is , undertaken either on the view that the possibility of rescuing a failed , conventionally organised enterprise would serve to promote Socialism in a neo-Marxist version of it absolutely opposed to Capitalism , and that the occasion was one which must not be missed even though the odds against success were heavy ; or in a spirit of uncritical idealism , sure that the ideology guaranteed success , that the gloomy appraisal was therefore wrong and the distinction between co-operative means and socialist ends a carping irrelevance .
3 It must not be followed rigidly but should be modified in the light of information that becomes available as the test progresses .
4 If a petition is based on non-compliance with a statutory demand , the petition must not be dismissed only because the amount of the debt is over-stated in the demand unless , within the time limited for compliance , the debtor has given notice disputing the validity of the notice for this reason or , no such notice having been given , the debtor pays the correct amount ( r 6.25(3) ) .
5 Two rules must be obeyed when exploiting them : local cooling , close to the heat pump or its heat exchanger , must be no faster than heat can flow in from the surroundings ; and the source temperature must not be lowered more than a few degrees below its undisturbed level .
6 Again , if the acceleration is poor the climb must not be steepened quickly or it will be impossible to recover in time if the launch fails .
7 Australia were worthy champions and English fans must not be downhearted even though we lost .
8 Er the main stumbling bock block that people point to for this , is the I think it 's in Paul 's writings , when he says that the communion must not be taken unworthily or without you know due thought and and sincerity .
9 and then do your other half of knot , reef knot and tuck it in straight away , you get your pin ready , have it on , either on the table or ready like that , now if you 've got too much material ever you just fold that down , there , if that 's too much , which is n't too much with Denise because it 's the right size sling , sometimes you have to improvise and then you fold if forward and back , firmly , take the pin and put it , put your two fingers down between the casualty so that your fingers are apart and there 's a space between your fingers so you can stick the pin in and out again without any danger , if you put the fingers apart like that , if you do stick the pin in yourself and draw blood would you please throw the pin away , as a matter of automatic hygiene , it must n't be used again once it 's been stuck into somebody
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