Example sentences of "must [be] [verb] [conj] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Thus when estimating the model ( 6.25 ) using data from two countries , the restriction must be imposed that in each case the estimate of must be the same .
2 Each proprietary brand of locator has its accompanying transmitter and it must be said that in all four instances these work better if you use the manufacturer 's pairing rather than permutating among the ones available .
3 But it must be said that in some cases the DCSL who had overseen the ordering was uncertain as to where in the school the books had ended up , let alone their frequency of use .
4 Whilst no-one would wish to deny landowners the ability to make a living , it must be accepted that in many circumstances , such as Glenbrittle , more appropriate ( or even no ) development should take place .
5 It must be noted that with this technique modulations are quite unnecessary — in fact they would be pointless and contrary to the spirit of the music .
6 It must be observed that in this case , leaving aside the nationality requirements , the residence and domicile requirements apply without distinction to British citizens and to nationals of other member states .
7 Indeed , even without having to go so far as the Commission of the European Communities did at the hearing in arguing that registration itself already constitutes a form of establishment , it must be observed that in any event registration is a precondition for taking up and pursuing activities in the fisheries sector .
8 ‘ We do not believe that the child made this up , but even allowing for that possibility , the question why must be answered and for that Mr Allen will always be culpable , ’ the statement from the lawyer , Eleanor Alter said .
9 If one believes that education is for all children and must be regarded as in many ways the great equalizer , it is hard to accept the proposition that education in morality and religion should be left to parents whose fulfilment of this obligation will be far from equal .
10 In considering the claims filed against accountants , it must be emphasised that in many cases the underlying reasons for such suits are not negligence or incompetence on the part of auditors , but the consequence of faulty business policies and management decisions , or even carefully planned and executed frauds .
11 ( It must be recognised that for one large group — that in which there is a strong belief in the sanctity and factual indissolubility of marriage — such considerations come much less easily : but in reality , even for this group , it is not now an impossibility for marital breakdown and separation , or nullification of the union , to take Place . )
12 It must be remembered that for all its world status and the great influence it has upon the rest of the airworthiness authorities of the western world , the FAA is after all made up of fallible human beings .
13 However , it must be remembered that despite these minimal gains , labour lost all of its institutional rights , the right to organise , freedom of movement , the right of collective bargaining , and freedom of vocational choice .
14 For those considering a career as either a food and beverage manager or a chef it must be remembered that at Carnival Cruise Lines we are involved in mass catering .
15 It must be remembered that at this time , the turn of the century , steam engines were fully developed whereas internal combustion engines were in their infancy .
16 To begin with , it must be remembered that in avian predators , all digestion takes place in the stomach , whereas in mammalian carnivores digestion continues in the intestines as the food passes through the system .
17 It must be remembered that in most cases for most of the time the function of the judge with the help of the jury if there is one ) is to ascertain the facts .
18 It must be remembered that in some countries many of the population are not formally educated in the three Rs , although they may be very educated in the ways of their culture .
19 It must be remembered that in both types of Free Range Units , the standard of management must be extremely high , higher than for battery units .
20 Such is undoubtedly the case in smallpox , measles , scarlet fever and the various kinds of continued fever … but it must be remarked that in these diseases the illness always begins with general symptoms , such as headache , rigors , fever and lassitude … while particular symptoms only appear afterwards .
21 It must be added that for all their drive and gusto , his books show a strong Catholic bias ( he said he loved ‘ all things Catholic , especially the lowly poets and saints , dago culture , Celtic peoples , the mendicant orders and Thomism ’ ) .
22 It must be inferred that in this context the " ore " would be dressed and ready for smelting .
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