Example sentences of "over long [noun] [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Bringing up supplies over long distances through dense woodland in King William 's War ( as the struggle of the 1690s known in England and Europe as the War of the League of Augsburg became known in America ) was so difficult that launching an attack was more a matter of logistics than of strategy .
2 The songs of the whales carry through the water , over long distances with astonishing clarity , and were heard clearly through the wooden hulls of the old whaling ships in calm weather , giving rise to the belief that the sounds were the songs of mermaids .
3 Wind also has a profound effect on plant growth in the Western Isles in that is usually salt-laden , particularly when it has come from the west or south-west , having passed over long distances of wave-tom ocean .
4 It might be expected that where such clonal growth is possible , the struggle for existence over long periods of stable management would lead to the local dominance of single clones — those that had succeeded in a struggle for existence with others .
5 Sometimes , when one meteorite is discovered another may be visible nearby , but much more commonly four searchers may ride abreast over long stretches of blue ice and drifting snow before anyone sees a meteorite .
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