Example sentences of "tell [pron] that [pers pn] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The woman told me that they normally like you to book a few days in advance so that you have some time to think it over in case you wanted to change your mind .
2 Many students told me that they only joined the League because it was the correct thing to do at middle school and at university they maintained their membership for the social functions the League organised , such as outings and dances .
3 He also told me that I now had a younger brother , Russell , which made me feel excited and wonder that he could be like .
4 She said in a small voice , ‘ She told me that you only cared for the vines .
5 ‘ When I went to old Abuelo Freitas , Maria told me that you sometimes worried too much about him — that you did n't understand that he only wanted to be left alone .
6 One friend told me that he regularly got 35 m.p.g. from a petrol-engined Land Rover . )
7 She told me that he just had time to wrap a small gift of appreciation .
8 He told me that he too had no particular worries about community care and that the provision of residential care was very good .
9 ‘ Sarah told me that he never went out without several pounds in his wallet and , in any case , he should have had the week 's housekeeping money on him .
10 Junack told me that he personally had received orders from Commander Lehmann to scuttle the ship by placing explosive charges in the cooling water intakes and to open the seacocks , and that he and others had done this ; and this was confirmed by an engine-room rating named Werner Lust who stayed on in England after his release as a prisoner-of-war .
11 Letterman told me that he once saw Steffi Graf playing tennis at Wimbledon .
12 A few years ago a friend told me that he once started counting them .
13 Hashmat Ara Begum , a community worker in the Borough of Camden told me that she too had come across the most contemptuous attitudes among Health Visitors .
14 She told me that she actually attacked Huston and hit him because of his treatment of Monty :
15 No , he told you that he definitely get it , eleven o'clock !
16 She told him that she firmly believed he was missing an experience to be treasured .
17 Ken once told him that he greatly envied his ‘ Carry On ’ mate Charles Hawtrey .
18 This seemed to me a poor reason for making the announcement and I told him that I strongly disapproved of his breach of trust .
19 I just told him that I badly needed five hundred pounds . "
20 I told her that we already had the tape and that she would have nothing to do but be there and play the role .
21 He relaxed her and told her that he quite appreciated her anxiety and fear , and the fact that she was experiencing so much pain .
22 But I shall never lead a normal life because I 'm so short — we 're both short — that 's why Tilda stands on the deck half the day , it 's because somebody told her that you only grow taller while you 're standing up .
23 But something told her that she probably did not .
24 He remembered Gina 's summing-up of Eleanor 's character and told her that she only saw people as shits because she was n't woman enough to hold a man .
25 Credit granters told us that they rarely checked information about employment because they found that many people regarded this as an invasion of privacy .
26 Copemaman of the Friends , told us that he seldom went out without seeing corpses lying about .
27 ‘ The told me that they alone had cracked the system ; they said only they could fix up proper contracts with local authorities on behalf of their clients .
28 I told her we were Baptists and she said she would tell her husband because he thought Gran was an amazing woman having such a large family , but she had told him that we probably belonged to ‘ one of these odd religions ! ’ .
29 A friend had told her that they never took them off , but she had thought that he was pulling her leg .
30 If anyone claims to be from the Gas Board , Electricity Board , council , or any such body , keep the chain on the door and tell them that you only admit such people by appointment .
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