Example sentences of "come [adv prt] [conj] [pron] [am/are] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I need to know when er I want Bill to come along cos I 'm gon na look at a car.gonna can
2 you 're gon na have to come out cos I 'm gon na hoover up in a minute
3 Or it may be there but the police and the stewards are n't allowing it to come out because they 're keeping a lid on it so efficiently these days .
4 At other times , though , ideas are less dependent on the right person coming along because they are implied by the current state of knowledge or technique .
5 I 'm thinking towards the eastern European countries , for example , where one is told , or has been led to believe they were aiming for classlessness and what 's happening th barriers are coming down and they 're heading towards our capitalist society as a
6 But people now are coming in and they 're expecting everything to be here .
7 I said , ‘ You 're going to get mobbed coming in and you 're going to get mobbed going out , so you 'd better look good coming in and going out ’ .
8 but erm they 're coming over and they 're coming to our house on the Thursday and on the Saturday morning we 're driving down to which is down near .
9 they 're they 're going have extension built I mean I they 're gon na use it at Christmas family coming over and they 're gon na have their Christmas dinner out there .
10 Pu our own Putney has been awarded the medal of honour , sixth highest medal of honour for erm services to the Danish industry and he 's coming over and they 're having a a caviar and champagne reception at the Danish Embassy and now the Queen of Denmark Queen Margarite is coming over .
11 And i i it magnifies the sound as it 's coming through so you 're lying there and you think , there 's somebody in the back !
12 As we go to press , the deadline for the exhibition , Impressive Women is also coming up and we are hoping that the work which is sent in will provide an enthusiastic and diverse exhibition .
13 ‘ We had a fair hearing for Martin Allen , but the result is a major blow because there are some vital games coming up and we are going to be without two important players . ’
14 the weeds are coming up and I 'm having to go under the ground cover and get them .
15 ‘ Well , phone subservient Maria Luisa while you 're at it and find out when she is coming back because I 'm fed up with … with … ’
16 What I am going to focus on is this terrible guilt feeling which is coming out while you 're giving me all this information , and I can see one or two nodding heads , I guess , I guess some of you 've been in that situation .
17 We have a single and an album coming out and I 'm determined to see it through
18 A very authoritative voice shouted : " Joe , I must come in because I am looking for a wing commander .
19 I must also come in when I am told and sit down and eat my meals properly and not run out into the street with a slice of bread in my hand .
20 And then you see you come along where you 're pushing them to live on their own and you make suggestions .
21 and I 'm gon na make them come over and I 'm gon na make them beat the shit out of you !
22 Your roadie should organize transport to gigs , getting your equipment in and out of venues and also attend to any on-stage problems which may come up when you are playing .
23 Do n't come back till you 're feeling .
24 Improvements to animal welfare and the environment can only come about if they are perceived by us to have added value , and this means that the animals must continue to work for their living and we must accept the short-term economic consequences of working towards explainable , more humane , agriculture .
25 then they 're open so that at half nine you close them there , or at ten o'clock you close them there and you say when they come through if you 're going out that
26 Yeah , what I thought see , if you come out and I 'm covering the door and this light on you 'll be able to see straight away .
27 For instance , the breathiness or squeaks that come out when we are trying to say something important are caused by lack of confidence , which many women are particularly prone to .
28 You know you th either come back and they 're embracing each other and cuddling and there 're a few tears and everything and er everything 's hunkydory and you start traipsing back in with all the bloody stuff you 've just brought out from beforehand you see .
29 Other symptoms include chest pain ( commonly left-sided , dull or aching , and unrelated to the degree of physical exertion ; genuine heart pains are usually central , cramp-like , and brought on by exercise ) , headaches ( particularly ‘ tension headache ’ — a band-like pain around the head and back of the neck which begins a few seconds after waking and lasts all day , often accompanied by feelings of depression or despair ) , dizziness or light-headedness ( which comes on when you are sitting still and never heralds a full-blown faint ) , tingling in the fingers or around the mouth ( signifying panic-induced overbreathing ) , and a heightened awareness of bodily processes ( such as blood rushing through your ears , a rumbling tummy , or the thumping of your heart inside your chest ) .
30 McDunn comes in as I 'm chasing bits of quiche around my plate with my fork .
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