Example sentences of "think it was time [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I thought it was time you got involved in it too , my friend .
2 His bosses thought it was time he got back into
3 She relayed several more messages , conveying by her voice that she thought it was time he appeared in his office .
4 ‘ I thought it was time I began looking like a human being , ’ she snapped .
5 The way things were going I thought it was time I had a slit trench to dive into .
6 Reading Mary Bailey 's article this month , which is both a celebration of seven years of service to the hobby , and a cry from the heart to help her to help you , I thought it was time I promoted , explained and outlined our superb readers ' query service .
7 This time Reception said they had run out of vases and , whatever he 'd done , did n't she think it was time she forgave him ?
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