Example sentences of "come back and [verb] [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 but , I mean if that actually was n't happening you 'd think he'd' 've come back and said we 've got to get in there now , you know get our , our message across and , and make a revolution movement .
2 In the autumn of 1972 , Michael came back and said he wanted to do it , so we took it from there . ’
3 Right , the problem is that I ca n't seem to get through on the telephone , I phoned and her secretary came back and said you 've to phone and she gave me a guy 's name like and I got a number for him so I phoned it , ah he works in our Edinburgh office I phoned the Edinburgh office .
4 You came back and said you wanted them to have thirteen weeks .
5 She was really pleased when she came back and found him fighting fit , even though he was still using one wing as a crutch to support his crooked leg .
6 ‘ If he came back and found we 'd made off by ourselves , he 'd go back to Tara and tell them we 'd reneged on the bargain , ’ finished Snodgrass .
7 It was a bit of a shock , you see , coming back and finding everyone had moved out , the happiest time of your life just a pile of rubble .
8 Now I listen to there , I do n't listen as often now unless there 's something big on , and you hear them , you know , check on , whatever it is , your vehicle check and I have seen them as little as five seconds coming back and saying who owns that car
9 If he , he does n't want to talk about potential because it will er not make the , the , the necessary action immediate , but if he can come back and say I 've seen and I know what 's going on
10 He 'll come back and say it cost more than that , give me some money .
11 and of course , you know , you er er you 'll get hold of all this as the more we do erm but you lost your way on the diagram by giving him too much I think and , and er the referrals you sort of lost at one point but you come back and reclaimed it did n't you ?
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