Example sentences of "come out [adv] [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In the less than half light Owen saw that Georgiades had come out on to the gallery .
2 Then , not even glancing at the room beyond , or at a woman who had come out on to the stairs , she led him away to a small room of perfect luxury at the back of the house , which was clearly her own .
3 Jilly Jonathan was sitting just as she had been ever since they had come out on to the terrace .
4 In October 1990 the WEU had come out strongly against a proposal by the EC Council of ( Foreign ) Ministers that the EC 's Treaty of Rome should be amended to incorporate Article 5 of the Brussels Treaty establishing the WEU , so that the EC should effectively control the WEU .
5 Chasing him , she had rapidly lost her bearings in the heavy forest terrain and only by accident had come out again behind the house into the vegetable garden .
6 Love has already come out firmly as a feminist who believes that a certain female viewpoint needs to be given space , but even she sees the dichotomy between feminism and her ‘ battered slut in baby dolls ’ image .
7 The sun had come out fully over the abbey mills and the narrow bridge of Meole brook , and in the foregate there was bustle enough .
8 Then my granny had to come out on to the verandah and interfere .
9 ‘ Could be better , ’ came the reply , ‘ you know what my regular trade is like , always had to rely on the trippers out here in the sticks , and who wants to come out here during a Winter like we 've just had . ’
10 Do you remember when we used to come out here for the primroses ?
11 The Scottish League management committee yesterday came out officially against the idea of a winter shut-down , but promised to canvass all 38 member clubs for their views .
12 This came out strongly during the Conference , and there was general agreement between the participants that a more fruitful approach is to try to locate interpersonal , or intersocietal , behaviour within the wider discourse of ideology and practice of the society in question .
13 Instead , his voice came out little above a whisper , cold and threatening . ’
14 ‘ Deferred Safestore came out best on the BPEO , particularly because the radioactivity is being allowed to decay for longer before the active dismantling is carried out , and therefore the radiation doses predicted for the workforce will be less .
15 The Barns Road pay and display Car Park in Cowley also came out worst in the survey .
16 Sophia went back into the house and came out again with a bowl of washing , from which she shook out a large Union Jack .
17 She asked Monica to stay where she was , sneaked back into the house as though she were guilty of something , came out again with the letter she had written to her mother .
18 As they skirted the forest and came out on to a stretch of road fringed by slender copper beeches , Fenella had the feeling of something deep and ancient and strong moving all about them .
19 Later , when the Porter came out on to the platform , Peter asked about the white line .
20 All London came out on to the streets to watch when Essex and his men left for Ireland .
21 He came out on to the balcony with the bottle and sat down next to her .
22 The General rose from behind his enormous mahogany desk , without visibly gaining in stature , and came out on to the veranda to see us off .
23 The sound of the door opening and of voices as people came out on to the deck shocked her so much that she felt physically sick .
24 She came out on to the porch , lifting the lamp higher .
25 Mrs Pettifer came out on to the terrace with a tray , glasses and a big bottle of champagne .
26 The nearby door opened and two men came out on to the landing .
27 When she came out on to the landing , her grandmother called to her .
28 I came out here with a sconce torch .
29 ‘ I came out here for a breath of air , ’ he said , ‘ but I guess it 's time to go back now .
30 ‘ Look , I came out here in a muddle .
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