Example sentences of "well [pron] [vb mod] [verb] [vb pp] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 To explain it better I should have done what adds up to thirty six then up to three hundred and sixty should n't I ?
2 If she did n't know better she 'd have said he 'd sabotaged her jeep and made it rain this way , just so he could enjoy some amusement at her expense !
3 If she had n't known better she 'd have thought he 'd been drinking .
4 well I would 've said he was , in his fifties , looking at him , oh do n't look like he washes much
5 Well I would 've called what I did in bloody Austria eighteen months ago physical it knackered me more than many other bloody things I did , like crawling up bloody hills and Mind you it 's just as enjoyable .
6 Well I would have liked him to participate more , but I did n't know how to lead him .
7 No erm su er no hang on , hang on my regional , they want my regional accent er well I would have said it 's standard received northern .
8 but I said to Don , Well I would have thought they have had to have been displayed er to support the fact that they do have incident s you know trained incident stewards on site .
9 There who are they on about three four three four three four to call it 's er a very public figure very public you 're bound to have heard of him you 've probably seen him as well I would have thought I would have thought so as some stage picture always in the paper there as well you know nice big swanky car too .
10 Well I would have thought you 'd get a discount if you 're buying units in the fund then you benefit due to paying annually , if , if you paid in a lump sum erm , you 're going to have more units , you know , at the start .
11 you have n't got any hot water at the moment that 's why I said that should well I would have thought he did it but you got no hot water then that should keep going until the water stops .
12 You would have had , if you played the scenario back , take yourself back in time when we interviewed this bird you would have had well I would have had her
13 Well I may have missed something you 've said , but I have n't heard you say fifteen years before .
14 Well I may have taken it because we
15 Well I should have thought she would have said , well I 'll ring her .
16 Well I 'd have done them myself !
17 Well I 'd have stopped her !
18 for three hours with a sur as the surgeon battled to save his life well I 'd have thought they could have plugged wounds with something other than a finger !
19 Well I 'd have thought I du n no !
20 Well I 'd have thought she did .
21 Well I 'd have had it all on tape !
22 well she might have thought it was a Porshe , but Peugeot Porshe
23 Well she should have shifted it all up to yours
24 Well well she should have had it by then .
25 Well you might have thought it was nice
26 Then she said , ‘ Well you could 've asked her . ’
27 So I did it anyway cos later on you would have said well you could 've taped me if you want like you always do so I did it anyway .
28 Well you could have fooled me !
29 Well you could have asked you know .
30 Well you could have left them to it .
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