Example sentences of "then it be [adv] [adj] that " in BNC.

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1 If we accept that mistakes in sentencing can be made and accept that sentencing is a matter of considerable interest , importance and relevance to society , and accept that the prosecution represents society , then it is simply monstrous that an appeal does not lie at its hands .
2 If the reason girls achieve less than boys is because of remediable educational or social conditions which disadvantage them , then it is clearly unjust that girls should get a less fair deal than boys .
3 If we analyse all the uses to which income is put , then it is immediately obvious that for the economy as a whole consumers ' expenditure on goods produced in the domestic circular flow is only one element .
4 If a proper level of justice is provided in prisons , then it is less likely that prisoners will behave in this way .
5 If you think it should be on my conscience that I take advantage of her ignorance , then it is only fair that I should tell you she has , in the past , been unfaithful to me . ’
6 If we are using up to five times the energy that we really need to move , then it is hardly surprising that , after a long day , all we can do is ‘ collapse in a heap ’ !
7 Certainly , if one were to divide the primary school day up into " skills and frills " sections , as it often is by teachers and others , then it is highly likely that project work would come in the " frills " section .
8 Second , if we accept that such adjectives , unlike predicate qualifiers , are genuinely equivalent to a modified clause in conjunction with the noun phrase which they follow , then it is entirely predictable that this construction will demand , as the preceding main verb , one which customarily supports a predication expressed in an explicit subordinate clause ; this will not , however , be demanded of the verb preceding a predicate qualifier .
9 If you are thinking about having a test for HIV then it is extremely important that you follow these guidelines :
10 If their view of God is what they say , then it is more surprising that they did not reject it much earlier .
11 However , if the crisis has been particularly sharp and the depression of sufficient duration then it is more likely that the total of will increase sufficiently to push up the price of consumer goods .
12 If class membership is transmitted across generations ( that is , if there is little social mobility ) then it is more likely that these classes will become distinct social entities , differing in many ways in their social characteristics .
13 If one word is incorrect then it is more likely that the surrounding words are also incorrect , possibly due to incorrect word segmentation .
14 However , if you have not reached a good ‘ A ’ level standard in mathematics , then it is very unlikely that you will be able to cope with the actuarial examinations .
15 If = .5 , then it is as probable that h is true , given e , as that it is false , since in the calculus .
16 But , if there is a further " selecting " qualifier , such as only , and if the speaker sees the latter as focusing on the property of the adjective , then it is quite reasonable that he or she may also feel it necessary to mark this focal adjectival property as one to be explicitly assigned , rather than being an ordinary part of the identificatory bundle .
17 If your material consists of pure text ; a book or report , for example , then it is quite likely that you 'll be better off with a high-powered word processor such as Word 3 , MacAuthor or even a typesetting system like JustText , TeXtures or Page One .
18 Well , if a hostage has to remain behind in enemy hands then it 's clearly better that it should be Summerchild himself .
19 Now even if you test things thoroughly as you 're building your spreadsheets , then it 's quite possible that something you do later on affects something you do earlier on .
20 Manufactured goods tend to have income elasticities greater than one , so when we buy more of those , then it 's quite likely that we 'll actually be erm , importing more of those .
21 Then it 's as well that she 's not here . ’
22 Dr Alastair McLeish , branch secretary of the ULA , said that if the dispute were not settled then it was quite possible that there would be strike action for three days next week .
23 He simply observed , rather wearily , that if Gentle 's word was worth so little after all the effort he , Klein , had put into finding work for him , then it was perhaps best that they end their business relationship now .
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